Lisa Lam was a 21-year-old Canadian tourist who was found dead in a downtown Los Angeles hotel’s rooftop water tank in February 2013. Lam was from Vancouver, British Columbia and had traveled alone to Los Angeles on January 26, 2013, intending to stay a few days before making her way to Santa Cruz, California.

Elisa Lam
She was last seen on January 31, 2013 by workers at the hotel, but on February 19, a maintenance worker found her body in one of the four 8-feet-tall, 4-foot diameter tanks on the hotel roof.
A crew member had gone to check the tanks because some of the hotel patrons were complaining of low water pressure.
Authorities had searched the roof of the hotel earlier during an investigation into her disappearance but had not opened the four cisterns. It was not even considered a possibility at the time.
The historic Cecil Hotel was located near Skid Row and it did not take long for the mystery to take a turn for the occult when Elisa was found dead because of the strange circumstances surrounding the event and of a surveillance video of Lam inside an elevator pushing buttons and behaving oddly.
Authorities ruled in June 2013 that her death was an accident. The only explanation offered for her being found in a very difficult to access water tank was that she was bipolar and probably ended up falling or placing herself on purpose in the cistern.
The bothersome aspect of this theory is that the workers had to cut the tank open to remove Lam’s body.
I have a hard time comprehending how she accessed the tank because the rooftop area was locked and protected by an alarm system.
There were only four ways onto the roof: three fire escapes on the sides of the hotel and one alarmed door connected to an interior staircase. The hotel’s engineer said he tested the alarm regularly and it was working when Lam went missing.
The latch of the tank she was found into was unlocked and she would have had to shut the lid on her own. Plus, if you notice on the photo, you need to bring a ladder to have access to the top part of the cistern and it is not an easy climb, especially if you are carrying your clothing and jewelry and had to procure yourself a ladder.
Detective Wallace Tennelle in his deposition said ”My opinion is that she fell off her medication, and in her state, she happened to find her way onto the roof, got into the tank of water, at the time, I think that water tank was maybe full. But as people used water, unknown to her, the level was dropping to a point where she could no longer reach out and escape, and she died that way.” I find his theory self-serving and expeditious. First of all, does he know if the water in these tanks usually replenish right away or slowly? And saying that ‘in her state, she found her way into the tank‘ is skipping the most important questions necessary to come to a logical conclusion.
The coroner report indicated that the medical examination found no visible signs of trauma on her body and toxicology tests were negative for factors leading to her death. So the conclusion was that her drowning was accidental and her bipolar disorder was considered a ‘’significant condition.’’
The footage of Lam in the elevator is also very odd and when you watch her hand gestures and how long the elevator stays open, it raises questions. But it can probably be explained by her mental state and the fact that she may have pushed several buttons causing the ride to remain in place. Is she spooked by something or in the throes of a mental meltdown?
I would tend to think she was having an episode and being alone at the Cecil in LA might have aggravated her condition.
As troubling as it is, we probably can chalk her actions to mental illness and not to the Shining. But for adepts of the Twilight Zone and Hitchcock, there is plenty about this story to let your mind wanders to the dark side. So if you are looking to hang your hat on a murder mystery, Lam’s death contains all the right elements:
The Cecil Hotel has a history of spooky events. Serial killer Richard Ramirez known as the “Night Stalker,” lived on the hotel’s 14th floor for several months in 1985. Johann “Jack” Unterweger is another serial killer who lived in the hotel in 1991. A woman was found dead in 1964 after her room was ransacked and she was stabbed, strangled, and raped by an unknown assailant. A number of suicides happened at the hotel while patrons leaped from their windows, including a woman who jumped from the 9th floor in 1962 and killed a man walking below.
Lam’s death resembles a murder mystery plot. The movie Dark Water tells the story of a young woman found drowned in a hotel water tank. A scene in the movie depicts an elevator malfunctioning, and a character named Cecilia. Cecilia is damn similar to Cecil if you want to go there.
The name of a medical test is similar to the victim’s name. Shortly after Elisa Lam’s body was found, national health experts were called to Skid Row near the hotel to investigate a deadly persistent tuberculosis outbreak that local health officials called the largest in a decade. Thousands of people might have been exposed to TB and the test to diagnose tuberculosis was the LAM-ELISA.
The Cecil was shaped as an E like in the initial of Elisa’s first name.
It sounds very creepy and the elevator scene is chilling but it is no doubt a malfunctioning elevator causing a poor girl some grief. But her behavior could easily have made her a target to a stalker or the victim of a crime of opportunity.
It is in fact very hard to believe that she climbed into one of the tanks willingly when she was so manic and scared. Plus, how would she have known that this specific tank was the one that remained unlocked. Luck of the draw?
Elisa could have been frightened because of paranoia but she might have been scared of someone. Let’s not forget that the Cecil was crawling with very strange long-term residents who might have noticed the poor girl.
The staff having access to the roof should also have been questioned more thoroughly.
Lam was first assigned to a shared room, but her roommates complained about her odd behavior and she was moved to a private room.
One of the detectives said that the tape of Lam in the elevator is not the only time she was caught on video. ” We did see her come in with two gentlemen. She had – they had a box, gave it to her and she went up into the elevator. We never saw them again on video. ” Did they ever find that box and its content in her room?
If she was suicidal, it would have been easier for her to jump from a window or take all her pills instead of climbing to the roof. This girl looked very paranoid in the elevator and she would have made her way to the roof through the steep emergency stairway and climbed on a ladder to get in a small opening of a cistern on the roof?
To access the roof, Lam would have had to climb up and I wonder how she would have known to go to that exact floor and window. It is hard to imagine that she would have done this without being coaxed or directed by another individual because of her demeanor in the elevator. Someone might have noticed her and she became an easy target. Or she was totally disoriented and wandered around.
Elisa had a blog, a Facebook page, plus a Twitter and Tumbler account. Those who read her information recall that she suffered from bipolar disorder and manic depression. From all accounts, she was an excellent writer who made you feel deeply about her depression and life’s predicaments.
She used to be into fashion but after falling prey to the disease, she stayed in her room for 3 years, unable to motivate herself to work or go to College. She felt lost but after taking the ‘right’ medication, she quit her blog stating ‘’this is going to stay as a reminder of what I was thinking.’’
She went on to get a part time job, planned to return to university and travel to make up for wasted time. She had been to Toronto and wanted to visit Europe. She probably ended up in this sleazy LA hotel because the price was right, but it is unsettling.
She was into the arts so the retro style of the place might have been attractive for this young soul who might not have known about its shady past.
The Cecil became the heartbreak hotel for Lam’s parents who are suing its owners. Their lawyer requested all the videos and a list of the sexual offenders that resided there at the time.
Their daughter was found naked in a tank and her clothes and watch were also retrieved at the bottom of it , so it is very normal that they would demand an explanation. It is conducive to the theory of another party being involved.
Maybe she fell in naked but the idea of her walking around the hotel in this condition requires a leap of logic. It is difficult to differentiate between facts and fiction in this case, and because her clothes were in the cistern, it would have to mean she went in and disrobed and removed her watch or she brought her personal effects when she was climbing and she jumped in.
It sounds so illogical that it is surprising that the police did not declare it a suspicious death right away.
The autopsy report is very thorough and states that the evidence does not support suicide and found no obvious signs of foul play, but in my opinion, does not eliminate the possibility of rape or murder.
She could easily have been stalked and attacked but it seems that her mental illness and the possibility that she stopped taking her meds, were a recipe for disaster. Being in a strange hotel alone might have triggered psychosis. I hope that her parents will get the answers they need to get closure.
In the meantime, a movie project is already in the works and the conspiracy theories abound, and I do not think that LAPD is losing sleep over this case.
In his deposition, Tennelle had declared ”My partner and I tried to figure out how somebody could have put her in there, and it’s difficult for someone to have been able to do that and not leave prints, not leave DNA or anything like that. So she climbed on her own.” If they found no prints or DNA, even from Lam, how does it not indicate foul play?
Update: Judge Throws Out Suit Filed By Elisa Lam’s Parents Against The Cecil Hotel. View here.
Insteresting video on facts of the case
Really enjoyed reading about this case….baffling.
I think this was a murder probably a rape or attempted rape and murder. It’s somewhat insulting to this girl to say she did this in my estimation. Did they find Lam’s fingerprints and DNA on the ladder or the cistern? If not, why does that mean no fingerprints or DNA of an unknown negate the existence of a killer or killers? Are there fingerprints/DNA of workers (possibly explainable)? Maybe they wore gloves and their clothing could keep away DNA. Plus there was a lot of time that passed before she was found. I think the tape may have been tampered with, and have heard some is edited out and it was slowed down. If you slow down her movements, it looks odd. If her movements were quicker, maybe she was struggling with someone who accosted her, particularly when you see her wrist bend back and around. Maybe the person was edited out. This suggests it was someone who worked there and had access to the tape and security system.
If it was a resident, it would almost have to be 2 people to get up the fire escape, unless they knew how to disable the alarmed door. She reported talked about 2 stalkers, so perhaps they killed her and found a way to get her up there. Maybe she wasn’t up there when the dogs went up, but when the search happened, whoever had her in a room or some area of the hotel stowed away put her there because he couldn’t get her out of the hotel, knowing this would buy a lot of time and maybe hoping she might never be found in his mind. If they had to take her through the fire escape, I think requires at least 2 people. If not, and they went through the door, it could be just 1 hotel employee, athough it’s possible a resident would know how to disable the alarm and just use the door.
I’ve also heard that 97% of times a drowning victim is found face down. They are also found often in a semi-fetal position with arms not straight out. Often there are injuries from the bodies fight. She was found floating face up. This fact and that her clothes and even her jewelry disputes the idea of her going for a “dip”. I think the notion is absurd. It sounds like she as already dead when she was placed in the tank, or at minimum unconscious and unable to be aroused by the water. A dead or person completely unconscious could not have crawled or jumped into the tank accidentally or for suicide.
Elisa Lam was in all likelihood murdered.
Thank you for this very interesting comment. I asked myself the same question about fingerprints on the cistern. They mention not finding any, but you would assume hers would be there if no one else was involved. I am also intrigued by the fact that she was found in the unlocked tank. How would she know this one was open?
I would be surprised if the tape was edited for sinister reasons, but you never know.
I think it was a very lazy investigation in an area that already requires all the attention of local cops. They are very busy and it was kind of easy to say that she was mentally ill so it must have been her own doing. Mind you, it is not an easy case.
I also found very strange that she would have disrobed but her clothing and jewelry would be at the bottom. She could not have removed them once inside the tank and why would she have brought them in if she was in the middle of a psychotic episode? Too strange.
Have you been following John Lordan’s youtube channel at all? It is called “Geekendorx” and he addresses a lot of unsolved mysteries. He has focused many on Elisa Lam’s case. I really like him as he is very fair. He doesn’t come off biased in his videos, even if you suspect or even if he states where his opinion is leaning. He still looks into opposing arguments of a case or situation with respect and dignity. Boy is that rare! He is planning on attending the civil trial as well if he can obtain a seat. He did an episode of Darkness Radio on the subject of Elisa Lam which was very good. I think if you haven’t discovered him yet you will like his approach to the subjects he tackles.
Here is the Darkness Radio episode. (Skip to about 36:30 for the interview with John. Dave Schrader botches his channel name, by the way, lol. The channel is pronounced Geek & Dorks, not Geek-indoor-X, ha ha.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEVv_3qwqy4
And here is John’s first video on his channel. He has several video type shows, but the one I love is called “Brain Scratch”. There are many others following this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2l9lWTNL8g
Thank you very Much Peggy. I didn’t know about John Lordan and I will check it out for sure.
I added Lordan facts review video at the bottom of my blog. I will have to listen to more of his videos. You’re right, I like his approach.
Glad you checked it out. He is most refreshing in the way he carefully examines issues from all sides without condescending or the subtle (or not so subtle ridicule) that so many out in internet land typically do of whichever side they disagree with. He gives well thought out commentary from thorough research on topics that he covers. Again, it’s fairly rare and therefore very refreshing.
I totally agree Peggy. It is very refreshing to find someone who cares about facts and has the ability to analyze them without bias or attitude. It is not about winning, but about discovery and he is not at war with anyone. Nice for a change. Thanks again for the links.
Check out this site that details some of her internet activity-
Something that bothers me: everybody remarks how difficult it is to climb the water tanks and dive inside, but to me that indicates murder is nearly impossible: it is much harder to climb the tank dragging a dead body. Besides: if drowning is the cause of death, no other trauma is present, then she was alive at the edge of the tank; how can you force someone alive to do it?
The suicide theory is hard to demonstrate, true, but the murder theory seems even harder.
I agree that the murder theory is hard to prove but considering that the investigation was very limited, it is not surprising. It is believable that poor Elisa could have climbed in the tank, but it is also a difficult proposition because of the difficulties involved. The lack of fingerprints on the cover is bothersome. No rape kit or analysis of sand and particles on her clothes.
I know that the police is busy in that area, but the fact that the investigation was lacking made it an even bigger mystery.
Since writing the blog, I saw videos of tourists opening the door without triggering the alarm and also a photo of the latch that might not have been so difficult to open after all.
The fact that she was in a tank tends to point to someone trying to hide something. That is why foul play is so plausible. I know she was not in her right mind, but finding her way to the roof, removing her clothes and what? Going for a swim in a tank? She looked so scared and paranoid in the elevator. People on the throws of a mental episode can sometimes be brazen and overconfident of their abilities, but it is not really the impression we got from her demeanor.
I am still very much on the fence about this. The case needed a more thorough investigation.
Evidence could point to psychosis caused by the four prescription drugs she was taking, all of which carry suicide and akathisia warnings.
There are quite a few strange coincidences in the case, one of the weirdest and creepiest being this
If you start by asking why she was on top floor alone at 3 in morning, you will get a better picture of this. She went there to go on roof and jump. The door was locked so she returned. She then climbed through fire ladders. A look at street scared her. She went through another ladder to water tank. It was a suicide.
Elisa Lam’s old Formspring page has been resurrected –