Scott Peterson recognizes in his appeal that he was not entitled to a perfect trial, but he obviously was entitled to a fair one. This is why a documentary was made about his trial by media.
Click here to read about Trial by Fury, a documentary recently presented at the Palm Springs Film Festival about the Scott Peterson’s case.
On December 3, 2003, he was charged with the murder of his wife and their unborn child by the Stanislaus County District Attorney and he pleaded not guilty.
Media frenzy
The media frenzy started on December 26, 2002, right after Laci Peterson was reported missing on December 24. Neighbor Amie Krigbaum called it a media ‘’feeding frenzy.’’ She reported that the entire block in front of the Peterson’s house was blocked off with media as well as satellite trucks and they did not budge for five months.
Eventually, a member of the media used a bullhorn and screamed “you murdered your wife, you murdered your child.” Random people would drive by the home shouting “murderer.” Neighbors were scared for their own safety.
Later on, a huge billboard was erected with the question MAN OR MONSTER and a local radio station was asking motorists and passers-by to call in to answer their question: Was Scott Peterson innocent or guilty?
Scott Peterson was not cooperative

Al Brocchini Modesto Police Dept
Scott was extremely cooperative in the days following Laci’s disappearance and spoke extensively with police.
He spoke with Detective Douglas Mansfield, Detective Craig Grogan, Detective Allen Brocchini, Detective John Buehler, Captain Christopher Boyer, Officer Jon Evers, and Officer Matthew Spurlock.
He was repeatedly described as cooperative by Spurlock and Evers. Brocchini testified that Scott agreed to sit down with him and review what they had discussed already for hours.
Mansfield also described him as “very cooperative.” He allowed detectives to search his house and warehouse right away and without any warrant. He eventually balked at sharing with them when he realized they were making a case against him.
Scott Peterson was innocent until proven guilty
Even if Brocchini tried to say that he gave Peterson the benefit of the doubt, Greg Reed, who was a friend of Laci and Scott, was told by the police on the evening of December 24, that they already “had a good idea what had happened” in the case and they “thought Scott did it.”
Facts of the case

Sharon Rocha
On December 24, 2002, around 5:15 p.m., Scott called his mother in law Sharon Rocha to check if Laci was at her house. She testified at the Preliminary hearing that she looked at the clock on the stove to confirm the time.
He proceeded to tell her that Laci’s car was in their driveway and their dog McKenzie was in the backyard with its leash on. She had not seen or spoken with Laci that day and suggested he call some of Laci’s friends to see if she was with them.
Scott called her friend Amy who described Scott as “panicked.” He then called some of Laci’s friends and went door-to-door in the neighborhood. Neighbor Amie Krigbaum described Scott as “very, very upset” and “distraught.” Laci’s friends Stacey Boyers and Lori Ellsworth described Scott as “upset” and “panicked.” No one had seen Laci.
Laci’s stepfather, Ron Grantski, called 911 at 5:47 to report that ”his daughter had been missing since this morning.” I found it quite strange that he told the operator that she was missing since the morning. At the time, there was nothing to indicate when she disappeared.
It probably was pure speculation on his part, and it did not seem to raise a red flag at all – contrary to every word that came out of Scott’s mouth.
Scott told detectives that on December 24, 2002, Laci got up around 7 a.m. and watched the Today Show. He got up about an hour later, and when he left, she was mopping the entry-way floor. The cleaning lady was at their house the day before, but they had a messy dog and expected visitors for brunch the next morning.
He mentioned that the Martha Stewart’s show she was watching discussed meringue and cookies, but the detective said it was false and used it as an excuse to sign the affidavit, that cited the lie that convinced a judge to issue a search warrant and led to wiretaps on his phones. In fact, at 9:46 a.m, Martha Stewart did talk about meringue and cookies on her show. He was falsely and conveniently accused of lying to justify recording his conversations.
Scott then drove to his warehouse to pick up the 14 foot aluminum boat he had purchased two weeks before. Once there, he checked his e-mail and cleaned up around the office. It was proven that he assembled a working tool called a mortiser and uploaded other tools in the back of his truck.

Brooks Island
He then drove to the Berkeley Marina where he spent over an hour in the water and headed towards Brooks Island mostly to test his new boat.
He had researched fishing in the bay on the Internet and had requested a two-day permit 4 days before, just in case.
His fishing gear box was in the boat. The cops tried to say no fishing bait was found, but Scott was never a bait fisherman.
They made a big deal of Scott fishing when Laci’s step dad had done the same thing, the exact same day, but in a secluded location. Scott had owned several boats in the past so this purchase was no red flag. His decision not to play golf because it was too cold and go fishing instead was very reasonable and indicated no premeditation.
He hooked the boat back to the trailer at about 2:15 p.m. and headed back to Modesto.
He planned to meet Laci at home around 4:00 p.m. and they were going to head to her mother later on in the evening.
The Police investigation

Officer Derrick Letsinger in the middle
As one of the searching officers, Derrick Letsinger forthrightly conceded, there were no signs at all of “foul play” in the house. Nothing was out of place and there was no smell of bleach or appearance of cover up. Even if the media was saying otherwise.
Right away, the detectives tried to find links to the crime having been committed on the 23rd, but nothing pointed in that direction.
Computer records from the Peterson’s home show that someone was on the internet between 8:40 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. on the morning of December 24th, looking at a garden weather vane, a GAP pro fleece scarf and a sunflower umbrella stand.
While it is certainly conceivable that Scott was looking for these items, and also the sale of a golf bag, it seems far more likely that Laci was the one doing the search.
After all, as several prosecution witnesses noted, it was Laci who had a sunflower tattoo. Plus, Scott never even mentioned the computer to the detectives so it could not have been a planted alibi as he had no clue they would search it.

bench & curling iron
Police also found Laci’s curling iron out on the bathroom counter. The cleaning lady confirmed that when she cleaned on the 23rd, she put away everything on the bathroom counter.
While it is possible that Laci would have used the curling iron to curl her hair just before going to sleep on December 23rd, the more likely scenario is that she used the iron to curl her hair on the morning of December 24th.
Sharon Rocha told detectives that Scott told her he saw Laci curl her hair that morning and she ‘looked cute.’

Medinas home
This date is significant, and explains the prosecutor’s attempt to include December 23rd as a possible date for the crime.
Sometime after 10:30 on the morning of December 24th, 2002, the Medina house across the street from Laci and Scott was burglarized.
Law enforcement wanted to eliminate the possibility of a link between the burglars and her disappearance because it did not fit their scenario of Scott being the guilty party.
Click to read details that tie Laci to the burglary across the street.
Even if the state initially theorized that Scott killed Laci on the night of December 23rd or the early morning hours of December 24th, in closing argument, however, the prosecutor would concede that based on the evidence, he could not prove when the crime occurred.
In criminal cases, the state need not prove motive in order to convict, but prosecutor Rick Distaso took upon himself to explain why a man with no prior criminal history nor history of domestic violence would suddenly kill his wife and unborn child. His theory: Scott did not want to be a father, was strapped for cash and had a mistress. He wanted to be free and decided to plan his wife’s murder by buying a boat and looking at the currents to dump her in the bay.
When his wife and infant’s bodies were found on April 3rd, 2003, on the San Francisco Bay shore in Richmond’s Point Isabel Regional Shoreline park after a huge storm, they arrested Peterson right away and accused him of wanting to flee the country because he had changed his hair color and his car was full of supplies. They called it consciousness of guilt.
The trial

San Mateo County Hall of Justice
On January 9th, 2004, the trial was originally filed in Stanislaus County.
Prior to trial, Peterson had filed a motion to change venue alleging that prejudicial publicity about the case rendered a fair trial impossible in Stanislaus County, but the case was transferred to San Mateo county, only 90 miles away.
The Death qualified jury
The parties agreed on a jury questionnaire; after nearly 1000 jurors had completed their questionnaires, the results showed that 96% of potential jurors had been exposed to publicity about the case and of this group, 45% were willing to admit they had prejudged Peterson’s guilt. The state objected once again to another request for a change of venue and the court denied the motion.
Prospective juror after prospective juror was discharged simply because they wrote in their questionnaires that they were opposed to the death penalty.
No questioning of these jurors was allowed even though every one of them also stated in their questionnaire that they would consider death as an option in the case despite their views on the death penalty.

Social Psychology & the Law
Instead, each of the jurors was discharged because in the court’s stated view, “if you don’t support the death penalty you cannot be death qualified.” A practice highly contested to this day.
A grandmother and retired secretary was booted out the jury pool for saying that she wanted to infiltrate the jury to find Peterson guilty “Anyone who would defend a wife-killer and a child molester deserves to lose.”
During Voir dire, the prosecutor got rid of a prospective juror because she had prejudged Peterson innocent. The judge had to remind him that you can’t prejudge innocence because according to the law, you are presumed innocent.
And it was only the tip of this jury selection iceberg.
Expert testimony
The state admitted that his expert on the movement of bodies in water was not an expert in that field. The dog scent evidence was highly prejudicial and one of the dogs had a dismal record of being wrong 66% of the time when he was tested or used. The fact that ‘Merlin’ the scent dog became the star of the National Enquirer’s articles should be enough to indicate it was a farce.
Another dog named Twist showed no interest for the boat. One of the dogs traced Laci’s scent to the marina, but not to the warehouse or the boat. That makes no sense if the theory of the state is that she was transported in the boat to the warehouse and then, the marina.

Prosecutor Rick Distaso
The state bet its case on these experts, telling the jury that if they were believed, Scott was a murderer.
In this respect, Peterson states in his appeal, that in the context of the evidence before the jury, the significance of these experts to the outcome of this case cannot be overemphasized. The facts of the case provided to the Court illustrate how in his legal opinion, the evidence was really erroneous.
Chain of guilt or chain of fools
According to Peterson’s appeal, virtually every link in the state’s evidentiary chain of guilt was fundamentally flawed. It was not just that the state failed to establish the time, place and cause of death, or manner of death for that matter because it could have been an accident followed by a cover up, it also stipulates that the evidence the state claimed conclusively established Scott’s guilt was simply unreliable, and should never have been admitted in this capital trial.
Real or imagined evidence
- Concrete at Scott’s warehouse: Rather than rely on fictive descriptions of the photographs of the concrete dust, the actual exhibits given to the jury are the best indicator of the soundness of this evidence. It is fair to say that the circular spaces the prosecution saw on the trailer bed are hardly distinctive in appearance, and looking at the photographs of the trailer, it is difficult to make out any circles rather than simply a collection of concrete detritus. Anyone who has mixed even a small quantity of concrete knows how messy it is. Moreover, Phelps, a competitor of Scott’s told the police that he had seen fence posts and concrete on Scott’s trailer in September. Greg Reed, Scott’s friend, told police that Scott had been doing concrete work in his yard in September.
- Container to make anchors: The container thought to be the one used by Scott at the warehouse to make the anchors turned out to be the wrong size. They never found any suitable container.
- Cement used in Scott and Laci’s driveway: The prosecution expert said the cement missing from the bag found at the warehouse could not be used in the driveway as Peterson suggested, but the defense expert testified it was the same type and he happened to be the one who taught the prosecution expert his trade. So I would defer to his expertise in this instance.
- The burglary across the street from Scott and Laci: The Medina house across the street was burglarized on December 24, the same day Laci disappeared. According to a declaration which the state itself prepared, several weeks after Laci’s disappearance, Lieutenant Xavier Aponte who was a guard at the California Rehabilitation reported a call he had monitored between inmate Shawn Tenbrink and his brother Adam Tenbrink. During the call, Adam’s friend, Steven Todd, admitted Laci saw him burglarizing the Medina home on December 24, 2002. Aponte said he taped this conversation, but it was eventually lost. It is hard not to find this quite convenient.
- If Laci saw Todd burglarizing the Medina house after 10:30 on December 24, then Laci was alive when Scott left that morning and can only be innocent. The fact that the tape got lost is very troubling.
- Neighbor Diane Jackson told police she saw the Medina burglary on December 24. She saw three men outside the home removing a safe. In front of the house she saw a van which she described as “an older model tan or light brown.” Detective Cloward also received a call from Tom Harshman reporting that on December 28, 2002, he saw a woman fitting Laci’s description urinating by the side of the road next to a van and then being pushed into the van. Farfetched maybe, but reality is often stranger than fiction.
- Maybe coincidental that the conversation is lost and the house was burglarized at the same time, but the detectives were eager to say it had nothing to do with Laci’s disappearance.
- Click here to read the letter of Congressman William Dannemeyer.
- The Croton watch: an expensive Croton watch inherited from her grandmother was never found after Laci vanished. A similar watch was pawned at a shop in Modesto on December 31, 2002. The pawnshop slip included a thumb print of the person who pawned the item and it did not belong to Scott. The state never sought the watch and the defense was unable to recover it because the pawnshop did not comply with the subpoena and the person who bought it refused to sell it back.
- McKenzie the dog was found too early for Laci to have met foul play: After the neighbor, Karen Servas, found McKenzie, she put it back in the Peterson’s backyard. Servas herself admitted that she did not check to see if anyone was home, and heard raking sounds like if someone was gardening. Not only could Laci have simply been in the house at the time or in the garden, but Servas herself conceded that she had found McKenzie out loose in the neighborhood on prior occasions. Of course, this witness’ admission that she had found McKenzie outside on other occasions undercuts any suggestion that the dog being outside meant that Laci Peterson had already been killed. There is also the matter of the mailman (Graybill) who said he entered the area around 10:30 to 10:45 in the morning. He said he couldn’t remember anything unusual from 516 Covena, but remembered the gate was open at 523 Covena. He said usually the dog barks at him from behind the gate. On 12-24-02 the gate was open and he did not see nor hear the dog at 523 Covena. It would either mean that Laci went for a walk after Servas found the dog and before the postman delivered the mail or that Servas really found Mckenzie after she came back from running errands. The entire timeline falls into place either way.
- Scott and Laci were in financial trouble: A close look at their finances by certified public accountant Marty Laffer showed that Scott and Laci spent less than they earned each month. In fact, he noted that they paid extra on their mortgage each month. Prosecution witness and TradeCorp accountant Jeff Coleman testified that Scott was set to receive a monthly raise from $5,000 to $5,300-$5,350 in January 2003. And Laci was due to inherit a sizable amount within a few years.
- Scott lied about his affair with Amber: Scott had lied before about affairs and Laci knew it. Amber had a young child so why would he leave his family to hook up with a single mother if he wanted his freedom? She was a distraction and he constantly lied to her also. He obviously did not want Amber to hear about his missing wife and it might have been the reason why he talked to her BEFORE a vigil. This evidence can cut both ways. Either he wanted to keep Amber and was lying to her or he wanted to keep his wife and was afraid her family would find out about his affair. So it is not a flattering quality as a husband, but it did not indicate that he killed his wife. He mentioned that the minute people found out that Gary Condit had an affair with Chandra Levy, they stopped looking for her so he might have wanted to keep Amber on the hook as long as possible – knowing full well what the consequences of their affair would be. And he was right – the hammer fell as soon as it came out.
- Scott lied about his hair: As mentioned by Mark Geragos in his latest book, Scott never said the pool changed his hair color to blonde. Instead, he said that he had colored it and the chlorine made it turn orange. Can you blame the man for wanting to change his appearance and grow a goatee when the media and the public are hounding him? I think most people would have done the same in similar circumstances.
- Scott was fleeing to Mexico: Totally unfounded and unproven. When he was arrested, Scott was going to play golf with his father and brother and the reservation was already made for all of them. He had his brother’s ID because he was getting a discount. He never was driving towards the border. His mom testified about the cash money he had in his possession and the fact that the police kept seizing his cars so he took this one and basically had no home and was living with his belongings in his car. He was making a payment on a truck that the authorities had since four months. He had gone to Mexico six weeks before, on a business trip, and came back. The police always knew exactly where he was. At trial, the defense played a taped conversation between Scott and his older brother Joe during which Scott says that it’s better if he doesn’t go play golf with them because he is being followed by the media, and doesn’t want his picture in the press again. After his brother tells him he will be praying for him, Scott says ‘I could cry for hours.’
- Scott had Viagra and ordered porn channels: In cross-examining the EchoStar cable manager at trial, Geragos pointed out the channels Peterson selected were legal and noted that even the satellite company characterizes the programming as “adult content,” not “pornography.” Sex is often an outlet and does not in any shape or form infer murder.
- Scott did not show emotions: the same thing was said about Michael Morton who was eventually exonerated. This does not mean anything and should never be taken into consideration.
- Witnesses who saw Laci: There were quite a few solid leads and witnesses who told police they saw Laci. Her appearance and her dog were quite distinctive, but the prosecution alleged it was a case of mistaken identity and produced a few women at trial who did not look like her and had a different breed of dog as an excuse to justify ignoring these tips.
- Vivian Mitchell saw Laci and her dog pass by on the morning of December 24. She said, ”I had seen Laci walk by the house several times before. When she walked by on Christmas Eve, I hollered to Bill, Oh look, it’s the lady with the golden retriever.” She was shamelessly ignored by the cops and reporters like Nancy Grace who was canvassing the neighborhood to find anyone willing to say something negative about Peterson and reaffirm that the neighborhood was ‘safe’ in spite of the constant problems reported by local residents. She died before the trial, but her interview with ABC was very compelling. Click here to read it. Homer Maldonado also remembered clearly seeing Laci on December 24. ”There’s no question it was her, I said to my wife, did you see that woman? She was really pregnant and having trouble with the dog.” The couple also remembered seeing a tan van at the gas station.
- Laci did not have the energy to walk her dog anymore: Disproved by friends and her mother. She was walking her dog because of her concern with weight gain. Laci walked for hours in San Diego when she visited her in-laws before the tragedy.
- The clothes Laci was wearing: Laci was found dressed in different clothes than what Scott described her wearing before he left the house that morning. Why would he lie about it if he killed her and prepped her up? It could simply mean that she changed before or after her walk. Most sightings were not accompanied by details about what she was wearing. Clothing is a very unreliable method of identification.
- Scott wanted to sell Laci’s car and the house: Laci had complained that her car was very unreliable and ‘a piece of shit.’ They were looking at new cars the week before in Carmel. Laci wanted a safer car for her baby. The police took his car. If Scott thought his wife was abducted from the house and the press was camped there, selling it would be the normal reaction. They kept seizing his cars so he needed money for expenses and for an attorney. Where was he supposed to get it? If Laci was found, I doubt she would have minded these details, and the car was under Scott’s name.
- Scott bought a boat without telling anyone: Laci knew about the boat he bought under his real name and address. He paid for it with cash only at the request of the seller. The money was withdrawn from their joint account. At the time, he could have picked other options that were either cheaper or non registered, but he picked a smaller and more expensive boat registered with the DMV because it was equipped for fishing. The owner of the boat filed an NRL with the DMV that included all the information about the buyer. Laci was seen visiting the warehouse so it was not a hush purchase. Brocchini made sure to remove this detail from his official notes when the neighbor told him he saw Laci at the warehouse when the boat was there. The detective tried to make this purchase sound very sinister when in reality, it was not. And Scott did not research currents in the bay because, in fact, the page appeared only a few seconds on the screen while he was browsing for other information on the Internet.
- The Insurance Policy and blood evidence: Detectives Buehler and Brocchini met with Sharon Rocha and Ron Grantski and showed them pictures of Amber Frey with Scott and told them that Scott had taken out a $250K life insurance policy on Laci in the summer after she became pregnant. Detectives Grogan and Owen went to San Diego the same day to give similar news to Lee Peterson. They also told the Rochas that they believed Scott was responsible for Laci’s disappearance and that there was blood evidence. Brocchini knew the information was not true and he was aware that the Policy was purchased in April 2001, nearly 20 months before Laci’s disappearance at the request of their mutual friend and it was on each of them. They did that when they bought the home. There never was any blood evidence.
- The pliers with Laci’s hair in it: It was found to be too rusty to have been used recently. They lived together so some of their tools were bound to have their DNA, but an apology was presented at trial because the hair could not definitely be identified as belonging to Laci.
- Scott’s tiny cuts on his hand: Were not found to be consistent with anything else than what he described. He did manual work all the time and was transferring tools in his truck and cut himself. There was one little drop of blood inside the car door where he had told the cops they would find it.
- Scott visited the bay when they were searching for Laci: He also visited several other sites they searched. If he took interest in the searches, doesn’t it show he cared?
- Scott made a whistling sound when Sharon Rocha told him the searches came up empty: It cuts both ways. It could have been relief she was not there. He knew by then they were trying to pin this on him. Only Scott could have answered this question. He might have had a simple explanation for this that had nothing to do with the phone call.
- Detective Craig Grogan’s list of 41 reasons why Scott was guilty: Most of it was hogwash and gut feelings. It was mostly a list of lies told by Peterson to avoid embarrassment, and actions taken out of context that Grogan had tried to portray as evidence. Ordering fake diplomas and putting them on the wall is not a reason to be guilty. Talking about diplomas, his colleague, Al Brocchini, had made a point of bragging about the fact that even if he and 3 of his colleagues only had a high school diploma, they had caught a guy with a university degree. Making it sound like a competition and a very unhealthy personal vendetta.
- The Amber Frey’s Tapes: I do not know how they could have expected a confession out of these conversations. Scott was stuck between a rock and a hard place and kept lying. He never admitted anything or offered any insightful information about the case. Amber could have stayed out of it, and did not have to give a press conference. Her participation helped police inflame the public against Scott. If he was a lying cad and could cheat on his beautiful pregnant wife, they hoped the jury would infer that he killed her. The value of the tapes was prejudicial and not probative.
The demonstration video

Instead of seeing the obvious – it was turned into a shrine
The state’s theory of how the crime occurred which was that he dropped his wife from his boat in the San Francisco Bay while she was attached to 5 anchors was contradicted in a video made by the defense.
It demonstrated it could not have happened without capsizing, but was not admitted by the Judge.
That same judge allowed the jury to try the boat and make an experiment to see if it was rocky, which is absolutely forbidden.
It is very difficult to even imagine Peterson carrying his pregnant wife in the truck and putting her in his boat before driving to the bay totally unnoticed. Imagine being in a small boat in full view, and trying to dump a dead body with 5 weights attached to its extremities without alerting a living soul, capsizing or hurting yourself physically?
Plus, he had to leave his boat unattended after launching it to go park his car – in full view.
A witness saw him motor by and told his defense team investigator that there was nothing in the boat – why he was not asked to testify is a mystery.
More to the point, he was in very shallow water where a body would have been visible and sonar boats searched there several months without finding Laci’s body. It really boggles the mind.
Not to mention that Peterson had never tried the boat he purchased and had no way of knowing if it would work properly and how it would react on choppy water.
Click here to see the defense video and read an in depth article about the reenactment and the cement anchor made by Scott.
According to the prosecution expert, one of the bodies could have originated from the area where Scott took his boat, but he could not account for the trajectory of the other one.
The fact that he was not an expert in body trajectory said it all. And it is really unlikely that the bodies would have traveled only 2 miles in over 3 1/2 months.
While we are on the subject of demonstrations – nobody wanted to hear about the boat, the witnesses who saw Laci or the computer evidence showing that she was alive in the morning, but reporters like Beth Karas, who is also a lawyer, would publicly try to demonstrate that Laci was in the box of Peterson’s truck – in spite of the impossibility of the removal of a dead body in that position and the obvious DNA footprint it would have left behind.
Plus, there was a cardboard box in the green box that would have blocked the way.

Beth in the box
Everything was allowed and supposedly made sense, if it was to help the prosecution and meant more ratings; even a total reversal of character from a peaceful guy to a monster.
It seems that the irrationality of the ‘pundits’ had no bounds.
It is quite ironic to see someone like Geraldo Rivera still milking the case to this day by reporting on Peterson and saying absurdities like ‘San Quentin is a ‘cushy’ place.

Geraldo still milking the Peterson case
He is still criticizing the man for his 4 dates affair with Amber when he has admitted publicly to being a serial cheater himself. Of his own admission, he has cheated on his first 4 wives and has finally remained faithful to wife no 5 because of his ripe age.
So incongruous that it would require a new song from Alanis Morissette, but with real irony this time.
It’s like a witness when you walk McKenzie
It’s a free ride for all the attorneys
It’s the good advice that was taken away
Who would’ve thought, it figures
The Guilt phase
- The opening statements in the guilt phase began on June 1, 2004.
- The state rested its case-in-chief on October 5, 2004.
- The defense rested its case on October 26, 2004.
- The jury began deliberations on November 3, 2004.
- On November 12, 2004, the jury found Peterson guilty as charged in count one (first degree murder) and guilty of the lesser included offense of second degree murder on count two.
- The jury found the multiple murder special circumstance true.
The jury and the Verdict

Geragos and client
Peterson’s lawyer, Mark Geragos, explained that police had combed the Peterson’s home and the San Francisco bay without finding any evidence or clues.
Investigators had tested the boat, canvas boat cover and a tarp without finding any evidence of a crime and there were no signs of struggle in the house. He acknowledged that the work of the prosecution team was well done, but could in no way prove this case.
It was not the job of the defense to explain what happened to Laci, but it was the responsibility of the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Laci was murdered by her husband in a premeditated fashion. But in spite of the fact that the scenario presented by the prosecution was full of holes and uncertainties, the jury still found Peterson guilty.
Geragos offered many scenarios to discount the state’s theory, but they were all dismissed. For the record, I thought that he did a bang up job for the first part of the trial but dropped the ball halfway through – it was still plenty to find his client not guilty.

Judge Delucchi
The jury had been sequestered at a local hotel until the verdict and after listening to five months of testimony and a few days of closing arguments as well as lengthy instructions from Judge Alfred Delucchi, they found Peterson guilty of first-degree murder, leading to the death penalty instead of opting for guilty of second-degree murder, which could have meant 15 years to life for each crime.
Considering the media frenzy and the expectations of the lynch mob, it would have taken a very courageous jury to render a verdict other than first-degree murder with the death penalty as a perk.
Judge Delucchi in his instructions, had made it clear that you cannot judge a defendant according to his demeanor, but some of the jurors stubbornly (or maybe due to lack of understanding) ignored his order.

3 Peterson jurors
One of the jurors said, ‘’For me, a big part of it was at the end – the verdict – no emotion. No anything. That spoke a thousand words – loud and clear.‘’
Richelle Nice said, responding to a reporter’s question about whether they wanted to hear a statement form Peterson. ‘’I heard enough from him.’’ Meaning if Scott didn’t talk at trial, he was guilty.
Cardosi said he wanted some kind of reaction from Peterson. ‘’I still would have liked to see, I don’t know if remorse is the right word,’’ he said, ‘’He lost his wife and his child – it didn’t seem to faze him. While that was going on…he is romancing a girlfriend.’’
Jurors Richelle Nice, Cardosi and Gregory Beratlis admitted it was a circumstantial case, but the fact that Laci and Connor were found by the bay sealed the deal even if the dots could not otherwise be connected. Cardosi said there were not many other conclusions, but the jury is not supposed to speculate and find other scenarios. They are supposed to be emotionally detached and go only with evidence.

Laci pregnant
Most jurors were very critical of his affair. They blamed him for not protecting his wife and child, and some of them said it was difficult to put the pieces together, but they were swayed by his lies and the location where the bodies were found.
Once again, the jurors were not supposed to take this into consideration during deliberations. Their opinion stemmed from anger and not facts.
Richelle Nice was vitriolic in her comments, but never aware, as recounted by the bailiff, that Scott was vomiting constantly and quite upset, but kept it close to the vest in court.
After the trial, she and a fellow juror, told the press using a sardonic tone ” Scottie, San Quentin is your new home!”
Not surprisingly enough, she eventually wrote Peterson in prison and sold his letters to the media. In his reply, Scott showed concern for jurors who had to view graphic photos at trial.
Click to read the insanity of it and for an insight into her strange mind; when Peterson wrote back, her reaction was to ask herself if she should call the police; even if she is the one who wrote and gave him her address. Instead, she called People magazine and made a bundle.

Richelle not so Nice
Nice had lied in her jury questionnaire to make sure she would stand in judgment of Scott and it is now part of the appeal.
Click to read When a juror lies during Voir Dire from the San Francisco Public Defender site.
The numerous letters she wrote to him after the verdict sounded obsessed and seemed to stem from her own experience of getting threats against her foetus from her husband’s ex lover.
She also did a couple of stints in a psychiatric hospital after the trial because of mental illness.
How amazing that the jurors wanted to kick out their initial foreman who was a stable physician/lawyer who wanted to deliberate by the book, but they went as far as giving money to Nice so she could stay on the panel. As a mother of 4 with no income, she obviously had an agenda for wanting to remain so badly on the panel.
The first jury foreperson, Gregory Jackson, kept busy taking copious notes, but he was replaced by a firefighter who, even according to Nancy Grace, did not seem to pay attention to the proceedings during the trial. The good doctor asked to be dismissed because he did not feel comfortable anymore after his group demanded to have him replaced.
“When I took the oath, I understood it to mean that I needed to be able to weigh both sides fairly, openly, and given what’s transpired, my individual ability to do that, I think, has been compromised to a degree that I would never know personally whether or not I was giving the community’s verdict, the popular verdict, the expected verdict, the verdict that might – I don’t know – produce the best book.”
– jury foreperson, Gregory Jackson –
This fact alone supports what judge Delucchi said about this case being “an appellate lawyer’s Petri dish”
He ought to know that he could not hide behind his black robe forever after denying a mistrial on the basis of Servas’ timeline – regarding evidence of a confrontation between Laci and the Medina’s burglars, and having dramatically dropped the ball when it came time to dismiss the right jurors.
Click to read motion for new trial that Delucchi denied.

Peterson jury
If jurors were so bent on solving the crime and could not accept that Laci’s disappearance might remain a mystery or a murder not proven beyond a reasonable doubt, I wonder why they did not ask themselves the following questions during deliberations:
Who tells his mistress he lost his wife if he intends for her to go missing?
Who kills his wife on Christmas’ eve knowing full well it will attract media attention?
Who invites his wife’s sister to chill and eat pizza if a murder is planned for that night?
Who will not avoid the media knowing his mistress will be watching the news and blow the whistle on the affair?
Is it not logical that if law enforcement believes Laci to be missing, the investigation will go on until she is found, and Amber Frey will find out?
How could he romance Amber after saying he lost his wife in December ? She would have told the authorities.
Who invents a story about golf and going fishing at the same time if details were planned?
Who will admit to fishing in the Bay if a body was dumped in that location in shallow water?
How could they not find any DNA at all?
What if it is an accident or an unpremeditated act?
He was supposed to pick up a fruit basket on the 24th and mentioned playing golf the night before. What happened to make him change his plans?
Premeditation means plotting and sticking to a specific script ahead of time not to arouse suspicion.
It probably was exactly as he said – it was too cold to play golf with a big jacket and he went on to try his new boat to see how it would perform in the water.
Peterson was a fertilizer salesman and knew the area extremely well. It would have been a piece of cake to dump her body somewhere on farmland and go play golf as if nothing happened.
None of this really made sense and the defense raised a reasonable doubt.
The death penalty

The Lynch Mob Rockettes outside the courtroom
That same panel chose death by lethal injection for Scott instead of life in prison, in spite of the fact that he had no priors and they could not find anyone to say negative things about him before this tragedy.
He was considered a pretty decent individual before the cheating was finally revealed, and Laci had stuck by him in spite of his dalliances.
The minute she found out about Amber, Sharon Rocha came up with the fact that Scott said his wife was missing when he first called her, which she had never mentioned when first interviewed.
In fact, it was Ron Grantski who had used the word missing when calling 911, and had even specified since ‘this morning.’
Lying and cheating on his wife shows poor character, but does not qualify a man for the death penalty.
As hard as the media tried to portray him as a sociopath, it was never confirmed or corroborated in any shape or form by any of his peers or a mental health professional assigned to his case.
Fox in house psychiatrist/buffoon, Keith Ablow, wrote a book and called a man he had never met a sociopath while slandering his poor mother. This is how far the lynch mob was willing to go to get this guy. And how the case had become a cash cow.
A crowd gathered outside the San Mateo County Courthouse broke out in cheers and many drank to the state’s victory when the verdict was broadcast. Almost like at a football game.
The Aftermath
Seven of the jurors wrote a book and made money out of this tragedy. And you can bet your bottom dollar that Richelle Nice and John Guinasso were part of it.
Guinasso, aka Juror 8, was a bully who yelled at other jurors and managed to single handedly get rid of 2 jurors who were leaning for the defense by complaining to the judge about the 1st one and intimidating the 2nd one who happened to be the foreperson.
He remained impaneled even if it was reported by a bartender who took the fifth, probably because he was afraid to lose his job for defending the rights of Peterson, that he was talking about the case at the bar where he worked; he wanted to give Scott the death penalty and write a book.
This case happened during an era when any book written about a high profile case paid astronomical sums of money.
Laci’s mother made a small fortune with her book and donated a portion of it to the Laci and Conner Search and Rescue Fund.
Amber Frey, the so called mistress who dated Scott only 4 times in the course of 6 weeks, made enough money with interviews, her book and movie deal to buy a luxury home and open a spa (which she eventually lost).
Fairly recently, and just in time for Scott’s appeal, Amber’s father told the media that his daughter ”never gotten her life together after she testified against him.”
She was a single mother collecting child support from the wrong father when she met Peterson, and the poor girl never really had her life together to begin with.
She slept with Peterson on the first date, and her babysitter, Shawn Sibley, had to call her in the morning to remind her to pick up her daughter.
Not long after, Amber gave Scott a car seat and the key to her house and asked him to pick up her daughter at day care. The guy who supposedly wanted to get rid of his unborn child was now a babysitter.
Even if at first Scott came across as a nice and trustworthy guy, who does that?
It was undeniably not her first rodeo with guys lying about their wife, so you would have expected a little more discernment and diligence on her part. She had once been told by a guy that his wife had died, but she saw her later on in the flesh.
Not that Peterson did not deserve the title of king of the crud for lying to her – He knew that he would undeniably hurt Amber and his wife, and he decided to pursue this affair anyway.
But the whole ‘victim’ gimmick from Gloria Allred was ridiculous.
It sure appeared that he was doing a slow fade on Amber during the last couple of weeks before all hell broke loose.
On December 25th, Doug Sibley left a voice message for Scott saying that he should call Amber, and Amber made the two first calls. Would Scott have called her if not from this insistence? On the 26th, Amber called him 14 times.
As bad as the calls were, there was never any heavy romancing in their infamous taped conversations – mostly compliments from Peterson and a lot of whining from Amber about her past, her hopes, her dreams, her kid, her strong desire for a commitment from a guy she hardly knew – all this in a tiny childlike voice that sounded like a pestering puppet.
But the fact that Scott would talk to her like he had no care in the world has to be one of the most damning element of this case.
He had 2 affairs before, and they happened because Laci was away; this time she had told a girlfriend that sex was out of the picture because of her pregnancy.
What did Sibley see in this guy who shamelessly flirted with her at a work convention when he knew that she was engaged and called himself Horny Bastard? She pushed for him to meet Amber and it took him almost 1 month to do so. It smelled more like a hookup than Prince Charming.

Allred to the rescue, Ka-Ching!
The windfall from the trial followed by some therapy should have been enough compensation for the pain she ‘endured during this ordeal.’
Who could forget her taped conversations when she would say in her whiny voice ” What about me Scott? What about me?”
As if her disappointment with the guy could outweigh the plight of a missing pregnant woman.
It was almost as unsavory as having Laci’s photo on her own book cover. A tacky move that infuriated Sharon Rocha. Amber sounded and acted more like a grifter than a victim of circumstances.
Allred also helped her sue for $6 million because some semi-nude photos of her wearing braces resurfaced. I get the humiliation and the desire to stop their publication, but asking for that kind of money is pure chicanery.
In 2005, she was offering self-help workshops called An evening with Amber Frey.
Click to read an hilarious article written by someone who actually paid to hear her speak and called Amber ‘the William Hung of women who boned guys who killed their wives.’
Frey who was looking for ‘the one’ when she met Scott, went on to have a son with chiropractor David Markovich in April, 2004, and in 2006, married Robert Hernandez, a Corrections officer. Her lawyer, mouthpiece, and famous ambulance chaser, Gloria Allred, was invited to the wedding.
She divorced Hernandez in 2008, and was sued in 2011 by Pedro Reynosa for breach of contract when he alleged Frey broke her promise to sign her name on a book and screenplay, which they co-wrote, in 2009. They collaborated on a book called “Memoirs of a Sex Addict”, and the play “Myths of the Flesh.”
Since Peterson’s appeal is on the forefront, Frey herself has been granting media interviews during which she omits to talk about her missionary work for the church and the fact that she had given him the spiritual self-help book he had in his car with her office address on it, and had asked him to read and return it to her at that address; which would indicate that it was not a sinister map to go after her.
Scott was in dire straits and it seems that her calls, as fake as they were, made it possible for him to live a fantasy, as far away as possible from his tragic reality. During their conversations, one could not help notice that Amber sounded as real as he did, so in this strange duo,who was zooming who?
This lady was and still is a complete and utter flake.
Click for an in depth summary of their calls and of Amber Frey’s inflated role in this case.
Scott’s half-sister also made quite a bit of money by selling her new found brother up the river with the help of Gloria Allred.
She gave up her relationship with her natural mother for cash. Her ridiculous claim that Scott drowned Laci in their pool was as unsubstantiated as the other assertions contained in her book.
One only had to check the cold temperature at the time of her disappearance to realize that the pool was not an option.
She was entitled to her opinion, but to have published these allegations for money, and to go as far as visiting Scott in prison after he was found guilty to get more content for her book is beyond reprehensible.
This golden era of litigation TV was not very conducive to honesty and so many people got a free pass while publishing hogwash.
I strongly believe that it should be illegal for jurors to profit in any shape or form from the trial they were chosen to participate in. If this is not a conflict of interest, what is?
It is illegal for non-expert witnesses, but in this case, it did not seem to bother ‘star witness’ Miss Frey who thought she was covered because she went full frontal but only after the trial.
A criminal defendant is entitled to a fair and impartial jury of his peers. When the prospect of money enters in the jury box, it’s not a stretch to surmise that some juror, somewhere, will be more interested in the prospect of cold hard cash than in the thankless job of jury duty. But jurors should be thinking about justice – not how they can profit. One thing is certain: justice should never be for sale.
What about witnesses? They, too, should keep their eye on the ball: They ought to be thinking of telling the truth, not of maximizing their profit. When money enters the picture, there is a very real potential that “star witnesses” with dollars signs in their eyes may color or create “evidence” to maximize their profitability.
After all, much like real celebrities, these courtroom “stars” are made, not born. They know more lurid testimony will make their stories more saleable. The temptation to exaggerate — or outright lie — may prove irresistible.
Click to read Cashing In on High Profile Trials – Amber Frey’s book

Noreen doing her thang
And what to say about Noreen Renier, the psychic with no confidentiality clause, who became the media darling as long as she spewed stories about Peterson’s guilt?
She had allegedly been hired by Jackie Peterson to get information on her missing daughter in law, and was in a hurry to spread her conclusions in the media.
She probably profited handsomely from this career revival. I do believe in some psychic profiling, but this woman was actually pretending to solve cases, and was also publishing lucrative books.
It was very convenient to feed the wave of hate against Peterson to collect and go straight to the bank.
Click for an interesting link to some research about Renier.

Look at me! What about me?
This case basically became a gold mine for anyone willing to badmouth Scott Peterson.
If not from the tragic death of Laci and her son, and Peterson now living on death row, this case could have been described as Commedia dell’arte – a bunch of buffoons all looking for profit and wanting to see their names in big letters.
And Nancy Disgrace and the poor ghost of her dead fiance were leading the parade.
“This comical town formerly known as Redwood City has earned a new name: Bozo City. What a great place to see judges and prosecutors in bright, red noses, water squirting from their lapels – wrecking everything they touch.”
– Andrea Peyser, New York Post
Peterson is still on death row at San Quentin State Prison outside San Francisco awaiting the results of his appeal; The Supreme Court affirmed the guilty verdict but unanimously reversed the death penalty (link attached at the bottom).
An habeas corpus has been filed and could lead to interesting developments.
He did not get a fair trial. It is not my place to judge if he is guilty or innocent, but after reviewing the case and its lack of evidence, I can say with certainty that the media frenzy contributed to the distortion of his image and personality.
Without being blind to his troubling behavior, one cannot make a monster out of the man while turning everybody else into victims. Unfortunately, there was plenty of bad behavior on both sides in this case – victim’s family excluded.
The jury in the Scott Peterson’s case decided that having a mistress, lying and going fishing if your wife ends up in the bay was too much of a coincidence. I have seen trials with way more evidence ending in mistrial, acquittal or second degree murder.
Without the media, I doubt that he would have received life without parole or the death penalty.
He had to walk in prison with a target on his back.
A huge price to pay to quench the thirst for blood of the rapacious media eager to fill its pockets while exploiting human beings at their most vulnerable.
Reporter Nancy Mullane got access to San Quentin to write about death row inmates, and ended up taking photos of Scott Peterson in his smaller unit (she said inadvertently) where he has to remain because he would probably be attacked or killed in the bigger unit so that some inmate can make a name for himself.
She used his name to promote her work and was invited on TV shows to bash Peterson, instead of giving a voice to the condemned men living in that horrible and definitely not cushy place.
Click to read Tom Gogola’s excellent article about death row with a mention of Mullane’s visit and TV interview.
The State filed its response to Peterson’s appeal on January 26, 2015 and his attorney has 60 days to reply. Next step will be oral arguments.
Click here to read the Appeal document
State Attorney General’s response. Filed January 26, 2015. Click here to read
Appellant’s response to State Attorney General’s brief. Filed July 23, 2015. Click here
Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus filed on November 24, 2015. They finally go after Geragos! Click here
Final reply to Scott Peterson’s habeas petition filed with California Supreme Court by his attorneys on August 7, 2018. Click here
Trial Transcripts. Click here.
Click to read Supreme Court Decision – August 2020
Scott Peterson’s appeal on June 2, 2020
Lousy host, but great interview with Tom Mesereau about Peterson’s poor defense team
Enjoyed reading this. It is pretty scaryy how a person can be convicted on the hype instead of the facts. I especially enjoyed the section about Scott Peterson…didn’t know a lot of the facts in his case. I knew the “tv” story. Thank you.
Thank you Lisa. It is very scary to realize the role the media can play in criminal cases. These two cases were old enough that I had to study the facts before writing the article, which was an advantage because I was not influenced by the media frenzy. Very difficult to distinguish facts from fiction when the police and the media are doing the happy dance before a trial.
You really should have researched your “facts” on the Pam Smart case more thoroughly before publishing the article.
Enlighten us Amanda.
Amanda, I am very curious about the facts you are alluding to. Do these facts point to Pam being wrongfully convicted? Do they instead confirm her guilt? What are they??? Please don’t leave us hanging like this.
No matter what the details, this woman has served long enough and she is not a danger to society. Why are we afraid of her? How does continuing to punish her contribute to the lofty ideal of ‘justice’?
I have to admit I fell for the media’s story about Scott & Laci.
I am willing to take a second look at his case and have an open mind.
It is more than most people are willing do to Joanne. Even if this man was a liar and a cad, they had no real evidence and the media destroyed his right to a fair trial. When you scratch the surface, you realize that their evidence was flawed and they went on gut feelings with a lot of help from the mighty media. Thanks for reading.
There were many things that Geragos missed in this trial. One is that repeated tests have shown that a human body (the equivalent is used) will be stripped to bones in about a week. In far worse conditions than the bay, one was reduced to bones in under 24 hours. There’s no way that either body would have been found as they were after 16 weeks if they were in the bay all of that time. Evelyn Hernandez proves this – after 84 days she was a skeleton and no trace of the fetus was found.
Another telling detail was Laci Peterson’s underwear. The front was in perfect condition. The rear was completely worn away. She must have lived for several weeks after she was abducted – it would take some time for them to wear that much.
The ridiculous theorizing of Dr B. Peterson, the state’s pathologist, wasn’t backed up with the slightest evidence. Even a calculation favoring the state can be shown to give odds of one in one billion that what the pathologist claimed actually happened.
The state wasn’t held to its burden of proof on any of these points – or many more.
Mark Geragos started with a bang and abandoned ship as the trial progressed. I would agree that he could have done much better. I have no expertise in body decomposition so I didn’t include it in the article, but I know it depends on the temperature of the water. In cold water, the bacterial action that causes a body to bloat with gas may be so slowed that the body stays on the seabed. The skin will absorb water and peel away from the underlying tissues in about a week and fish, crabs and sea lice will nibble away at the flesh. Cold water also encourages the formation of adipocere, the waxy, soapy substance formed from the fat in the body that partially protects the body against decomposition. I read about this detail in the autopsy notes for Laci. Bodies have been retrieved almost completely intact from waters below 7°C after several weeks, and as recognisable skeletons after five years. So unless they called an expert on the subject, I really don’t know what to think about the body’s condition when it was found. Interesting point about the underwear and once again, an expert might have been able to explain this phenomenon in court. Thank you for bringing this up. I will do some research on the subject. Why do you think it was not included in the appeal? Because it was not brought up at trial?
Well done Lise! I am among the people that didn’t question the facts as presented by the media. I read about the Pamela Smart case years ago (but long after the trial itself) and I don’t remember the issue of the outrageous amount of publicity being mentioned. I now question how the story can be told without that element. Although you are clear that you are not expressing your opinion on these 2 individual’s guilt or innocence, (as any reputable news source should do as well) it appears that our courts have for quite some time been basking in the limelight and ignoring the right of a defendant to a fair trial.
When I saw that photo of the billboard with Scott’s face on it I was shaking my head in disbelief. No way. Our judicial system sits back and says nothing when a man’s life is being used as a radio call in show for votes? Since when did mob rule ever have an intelligent opinion? How can tainting an entire jury pool be considered ethical behavior? Did anyone even raise an objection about that?
We need to either get the media out of our courtrooms and restrict the amount of pretrial evidence they are given or just save ourselves the time and money of a trial and instead invite the mob and their pitchforks to handle all suspects. We really need to get some studies done showing the disparity in sentencing between cases with little or no publicity and ones with a circus like atmosphere.
In regard to Pamela Smart– assuming she did plot to have her husband killed– how does that make her deserving of life without parole? Is she a huge danger to society? She was 22. While that made her an adult according to law I think we all know science has proven brains are not finished developing by that age. How can any court determine she is forever incapable of redemption or rehabilitation at 22?
Thanks for bringing awareness to people about the flaws in our system. It may not seem so important to people until it happens to them. We have to make the changes before it happens to all of us. I can’t get over that billboard…….
I felt the exact same way about the billboard Lori. It is beyond belief that a radio station would play games with the life of an individual who is on trial for his life. The mob never has an intelligent opinion and this kind of lynching should never be allowed to happen. It has nothing to do with free speech. I understand why in England, they didn’t have the right to even publish the names of a defendant before the outcome of the trial. And people driving by his house and using a bullhorn to call him a murderer? It is out of this world.
It is impossible to find an impartial jury when the media has hijacked a case the way they did for Smart and Peterson. Maybe if you have money and can afford a jury consultant, you will manage to get jurors who are not going to fold under public pressure, but it becomes justice for the rich. Peterson and Smart had half-decent lawyers and it was not enough to save them. Smart did not have the money for an audio expert so the doctored and edited tapes of her conversation with the young female student were never contested.
Not only did they not get a fair trial, but their life is in danger in prison because of their notoriety.
Pamela was very young and immature at the time, and we were not privy to her conversations with Flynn so how do we know what her intent really was? She should be able to get out eventually, but probably never will because of the media.
You are right, it could happen to anyone or their loved ones, and they would realize how flawed the system really is. We have to protect its integrity without exception. Not liking the fact that Peterson cheated and lied should have nothing to do with the chain of evidence presented at trial. Yeah that billboard is haunting.
> “Bodies have been retrieved almost completely intact from waters below 7°C after several weeks, and as recognisable skeletons after five years.”
Do you have any references? I’m going by the experiments of Dr. Gail Anderson and Dr. Verena Tunnicliffe, both of the University of Victoria, BC.
As I said, I have no expertise in this field, but I had consulted a few publications and I think this quote was from Focus Science & Technology. I don’t know how cold the water was at the time in the bay or any of the conditions.
Lise asked “Why do you think it was not included in the appeal? Because it was not brought up at trial?”
The appeal is only at the first stage, a review of the trial record. New evidence is only admitted at the PCR stage ( Post Conviction Review ).
Thanks for your reply George. Our Canadian system might be slightly different because even if the role of the appeal court is not to hear the trial again, but to see if it was fairly or properly conducted or if there was a significant error of law, in some limited cases, the appeal court may consider new evidence if it is very significant. I was asking the question because body decomposition would be a very significant fact, if theory advanced in comment was found to be true and a body would decompose that fast. It would be a game changer, but once again, I have no personal knowledge of proposed fact.
Wow, another brilliant article. You’re great!
Have you read anything by this man? “Cold Case Cameron”. He says Scott Peterson is innocent and that admitted serial killer Ed Edwards did it:
It breaks my heart to think of Scott Peterson (and Christopher Coleman) are sitting in prison, hated and vilified, yet both are quite possibly the victims of this horrible man. What a world 🙁
I have not read anything from Cameron. I will have a look at the link. Thanks. With high profile cases, it becomes very difficult for jurors to be impartial and a lot of so called slam dunk cases out there are not black and white at all. Legally speaking, Peterson is one of them.
I had the misfortune of celebrating my birthday on the day Edward Wayne Edwards was busted by the FBI. It was also Inauguration Day. When he chose aliases like James Garfield Langley and Ralph Ulysses Brickenshaw, the middle names were names of Presidents. To understand Edwards, remember he may have had an IQ higher than Albert Einstein. I decided to read John Cameron’s book “It’s Me!” Edward Wayne Edwards The Serial Killer You Have Never Heard Of” after seeing a 1970’s picture of Edwards online. I thought “There he is! I’m not crazy. I was right. A man flashing government credentials really had been killing men, women, and children all over the country. There is the mole on his left cheek I remembered to look for. Cameron’s book helped me fill in some gaps and understand why Edwards targeted me. My father was also a carpenter. He was at a union meeting in San Francisco around 1971. Edwards was the Zodiac Killer. He attacked me in 1973. I suppose the rented farm we lived on in NC would have been the Marshall Ranch in the East. I believe he killed a teen-age boy with an ax and severed his head and laid it on my chest. Then he put the corpse in a car and made it look like an accident. My father came out with his gun and saved my life. Edwards tried to frame him for a murder committed near the Union Hall when Daddy wasn’t even in Charlotte. We moved away after he did his infamous spray paint: DIE on one of our fireplaces. He pops up again about 1976 or ’77 and nearly drowns me at his Lake Berryessa of the East called the Bullhole near Coolemee, NC now in a park. In ’82 I report him over the phone and he shows up at my apartment where he chokes me and burns me and I don’t try to run because he threatened to break my baby’s neck. i went to the feds who claim he was an honorable man. He said he followed Wayne Williams in Atlanta. I had a dented skull, 4 burn marks, and scarred heels. I was going to be ready if he came back to my apartment. I duct-taped a kitchen knife around my hand and slept on my stomach with my hand under the pillow. I think that is how he may have lost the tips of two fingers on his right hand. He went to prison for arson in PA and started taunting me when he got out of prison and I was living in CA in the late ’80’s. I called police when my children and I were threatened while my husband was gone. They sent me to the Army hospital and they sent me to a mental ward off post. When I got out my memories started coming back, probably because he was forcing me to remember. I still couldn’t get any help to stop him. No one would bug my phone. He was tormenting me with what he was going to do in the future. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia but always had a hard time getting seen by a doctor unless I got in a fight and was arrested. Then a few years ago the shrink said I did NOT have schizophrenia. I’ve had PTSD, bouts of amnesia and depression. But I did make phone calls, visits, and wrote letters to anyone who would listen. I found the JFK assassination researchers to be some nice open-minded people. I have to live with knowing that I wasn’t any help stopping him. I really haven’t met many people who were stalked 40 years or more by a serial killer. Maybe someone should try to tell me how to handle it. I have done the best I can. It would really help me if the government seriously studied what Edwards did. Instead of trying to catch him, it seems they were using time and energy to prosecute a South Dakota man for buying Dinosaur bones within his financial means. I’d like to see innocent people be set free instead of dying in the prison death chamber like Mr. Abbott in 1956. No one wanted to “open a can of worms.” There was one man at the CIA who assured me the government wasn’t killing children and he would do everything he could to find out what was going on. Edwards kept fetuses in jars and took them out to use as props in his “rituals.” At 12 I thought his Zodiac costume looked ridiculous. If he cut the slits larger maybe he wouldn’t have to wear glasses to see out of that grocery bag. I know it sounds unbelievable. That is just what he could count on. No one would believe me and he could kill hundreds of people. No one likes bad news. The Lord will see me through this as He always has.
That is an amazing story. Do you have any reason to believe that this man had something to do with Laci’s disappearance?
You should write your life story. It tends to be therapeutic.
Just one comment here re: the life-insurance policies: Often it is a prerequisite for qualifying for a mortgage. And quite honestly, if you have or are about to have children and you don’t take out life insurance on both partners, that is just…well, stupid. Even if Mom is a stay-at-home mother, the cost of “replacing” Mom’s functions while Dad is the breadwinner is going to cost a pretty penny. And if Dad is the breadwinner, having insurance on Dad is simply a no-brainer. I hate to be so blunt, but that is the truth and to read it as evidence of guilt is beyond silly. In fact, $250K seems a bit low to me under the circumstances.
Keep in mind, too, that I believe the Peterson’s policies were “whole life” policies, which can function as retirement income as well.
TBH I have never been sure what to think of the Peterson case. I wrote what I thought was a pretty funny review of Anne Bird’s “Blood Brother” for Amazon (I was stuck in the hospital at the time w/o much else to read!) and also Catherine Crier’s book. Crier’s book seemed more balanced, but after reading your articles on Ann Rule I know better than to take these things on faith 🙂 Oh, and somebody at the hospiital was a trial junkie–they also had Keith Ablow’s “Inside the Mind of Scott Peterson.” I think I made it halfway through….!
Not only was the insurance Policy bought when they purchased the house, but it was sold to them by a close friend. I agree that $250,000 is not that high, especially when we know that Laci was going to inherit a good sum of money, and it probably was also for retirement purposes.
Not being sure of what to think about this case is quite normal. I am quite OK with uncertainty when it comes to an investigation or a criminal case. It would be fantastic to have certainties and know for sure what happened without guessing or creating scenarios so that we can solve a crime and punish/rehabilitate the guilty party, but sometimes we just don’t know.
It makes some people quite mad because they want justice/revenge for the victim and are willing to ignore a lot of grey areas and lack of direct evidence to get there. I agree that we have to put away dangerous people so they do not commit other crimes, but this was hardly the case with Peterson. They could not find a soul who perceived him as violent or threatening.
His affairs mixed with the usual lies sank him.
I did not read the books you are listing, but I saw some excerpts and the title of Bird’s book was quite clear. She thought Laci was drowned in the pool? WTF? Anyway, Ablow is Fox material and laughable. He does more harm than good when you think that his profession is supposed to be helping vulnerable people. Some of the things he said about Scott’s mom were horrifying. Once again, I did not read the book, but the excerpts I came across were enough for me.
The following is something I put on my blog. I didn’t know much about this and in the last few days did some reading and watching. I enjoyed reading your blog.
His father, the youngest of twelve children, struck me as kind of cold. The mother did her best.
Amber Frey, depending on how you look at it, was either in the right or the wrong place at the wrong time.
It really is none of my business.
Okay, they are not TV personalities. There were vagrants in the park and a safe was carried out of the home across the street in a burglary. The detectives are odious. But it was tough–no crime scene reconstruction and, until the end, no body–yet they got the job done.
It reminds me a little bit of the Amanda Knox case. Peterson is someone who had no violent or criminal past and there was no direct evidence linking him to the murder.
But, like Pamela Smart, there was just too much going on and nowhere to hide. They both overestimated themselves and underestimated society’s ability to crush them.
Hi Peter,
I don’t quite understand your last sentences. Would you care to elaborate? By saying that they both overestimated themselves, do you mean that they considered themselves smarter than the system and you think they are guilty? I think anyone would have underestimated what happened next, but when you say society crushed them, are you referring to the media and the state?
I will check out your blog.
Thanks for stopping by.
It often happens when a person is factually innocent, they do not believe the case against them can be proved.
So that means it’s not necessarily a matter of Peterson just ‘understimating’ his adversaries, but rather
believing that the truth would out.
Your description is more sinister/power-oriented, to my reading, which is why I am offering this alternate interpretation,.
Well, the whole case has to be retried now. The state has no alternative – even the jury have admitted this.
19. Juror Nice wanted to be on Petitioner’s jury. She declined to be excused from serving despite the enormous financial hardship it would cause her. When the court began voir dire, it asked Ms. Nice how long her employer would pay her while she was on jury duty. She responded, “two weeks.” (Id. at HCP-000924.) The following colloquy took place:
THE COURT: Two weeks. Then you wouldn’t make it. Okay. You’re excused.
A: That’s it?
Q: That’s it. We can’t expect you to be here and not earn a living.
A: Thank you.
20. The extremely lengthy trial imposed a financial hardship on Ms. Nice. During the trial she was forced to borrow money from a fellow juror, who loaned her $1000. (Exh. 8 at HCP-000244.)
21. The juror who loaned Ms. Nice the $1000 made a gift of it to her and told her that she did not have to repay it. (Ibid.)
Now it turns out that Richelle Nice lied on her juror questionnaire to get on the jury and convict Scott. This is perjury, and it has destroyed the multi million dollar case. It’s likely that Nice will go to prison as a result – this is normal for cases like this. According to Guinasso who bragged that he forced all three jurors off the jury, the final juror removed was going to hang the jury and getting Nice instead guaranteed Guinasso the conviction he wanted. This cannot be permitted.
See the appeal documents for more details. The habeas petition in particular is very important.
So get ready for round two when the lazy California system gets around to ruling.
Thanks for the additional information. I did not know that the jury had admitted it. Do you mean some of the jurors? To think that Nice was sending him letters telling him to confess about his baby. She was mentally unstable and needed to be on that jury to find him guilty.
All the documents are at the bottom of the blog so that readers can judge for themselves.
A grandmother and retired secretary was booted out the jury pool for saying that she wanted to infiltrate the jury to find Peterson guilty “Anyone who would defend a wife-killer and a child molester deserves to lose.”
During voir dire, the prosecutor got rid of a prospective juror because she had prejudged Peterson innocent. The judge had to remind him that you can’t prejudge innocence because according to the law, you are presumed innocent.
The initial jury foreperson, who was a trained physician and lawyer and had taken copious notes, was dismissed and replaced by a firefighter who, even according to Nancy Grace, didn’t seem to pay any attention to the proceedings during the trial. He asked to be dismissed because he ‘didn’t feel comfortable’ anymore after his group demanded to have him replaced. According to juror 8, if this foreman had stayed on, it would have been a hung jury.
“When I took the oath, I understood it to mean that I needed to be able to weigh both sides fairly, openly, and given what’s transpired, my individual ability to do that, I think, has been compromised to a degree that I would never know personally whether or not I was giving the community’s verdict, the popular verdict, the expected verdict, the verdict that might — I don’t know — produce the best book.”
– jury foreperson, Gregory Jackson
I hope they do not succumb to the pressure of public opinion and give him a do over. The misconduct was everywhere.
> “I did not know that the jury had admitted it.”
Guinasso stated that without replacing the foreman with Nice the jury would have hung. And she was clearly not a juror who was unprejudiced. That’s it. (It’s all in the latest appeal document – peterson habeas.pdf)
Fairly read, the trial record itself shows Ms. Nice worked hard to get on the jury. Sitting on a five-month capital trial poses a substantial economic hardship on those jurors who do not have jobs which pay them during jury service. Many, many hundreds of jurors obtained a discharge for precisely this reason.
The trial court offered Ms. Nice a discharge for the same reason. Despite this, and despite her admission that she would not get paid for her time as a juror, Ms. Nice said she was willing to serve. During trial she actually had to borrow money from another juror in order to make ends meet. Plainly, Ms. Nice wanted to sit in judgment of Scott Peterson.
This could, of course, be chalked up to a simple desire to be a good citizen. But the habeas investigation reveals a darker motive.
As with all the potential jurors in the case, Ms. Nice had been asked if she had ever been the victim of a crime. She said no. She was asked if she had ever been involved in a lawsuit. She said no. She was asked if she had ever participated in a trial as a party or as a witness. She said no.
All these answers were false. In fact, when Ms. Nice was four and one-half months pregnant in November of 2000, she and her unborn baby were threatened, assaulted and stalked by her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend, Marcella Kinsey. Ms. Nice was so frightened that she filed a lawsuit to obtain a restraining order against Kinsey. Ms. Nice’s petition stated that she “feels like Marcella would try to hurt the baby, with all the hate and anger she has for Richelle.” In fact, Ms. Nice, while representing herself, sued her attacker for causing her to begin premature contractions, threatening the life of her unborn child. In fact, at trial on her own complaint against her attacker, Ms. Nice was sworn and called as a witness. Based on Ms. Nice’s testimony, the court granted her a three-year restraining order. As a result of her malicious conduct against Ms. Nice, Ms. Kinsey was convicted of the crime of vandalism and was sentenced to a week in county jail.
Juror Nice withheld all this evidence when directly asked during jury selection, even though such information was directly material to the capital trial where Scott was charged with killing of his unborn child.
The new evidence establishes that Ms. Nice gave false answers to get on this jury because this case, like Ms. Nice’s past case, involved harm to an unborn child. The deliberations confirm this: during deliberations, when 10 of the jurors had decided to acquit of first degree murder in connection with Conner’s death, Ms. Nice was one of two holdouts for a first degree conviction. As Ms. Nice later described her role as a holdout, she asked her fellow-jurors, “‘How can you not kill the baby,’ pointing to her own stomach.” She pleaded to her fellow-jurors, “That was no fetus, that was a child.” And after trial, Ms. Nice took the extraordinary step of writing numerous letters to the man she helped put on death row, focusing repeatedly on what she believed he had done to his unborn child. Ms. Nice’s falsehoods in getting on this jury require a grant of relief. (Claim One).
When you said the jury, I thought you meant all jurors. I knew that juror 8 had said that the first jury foreman would have brought a different result, but I don’t think any of the others mentioned it, at least publicly.
The links are all at the bottom of the article, but thanks for posting the excerpt for the ones not inclined to read them.
Nice was very adamant and very disturbed. One more drop in the misconduct bucket.
I think VOS means the other jurors were inclined to go with 2nd degree but Nice held out for 1st..
Do you mean that Nice pushed for 1st degree for Conner’s death? She sure pushed for it but the others settle for 2nd degree for Conner. They were already all in for the death penalty and 1st degree for Laci. This woman was a stealth juror from the beginning. When she went from alternate to active juror, she said ” He killed the little man” let’s find him guilty. No deliberations necessary. For a case of this magnitude, this jury was not interested in any discussion. I am glad she is mentioned in the appeal for lying in her questionnaire.
That’s why juror 8 (another stealth juror) got rid of Justin Falconer and intimidated the first foreperson to the point of him wanting to leave the jury. Strange how Delucchi went along with it but did nothing when juror 8 was caught talking about the trial and yelling and intimidating the foreman. Of yes, this case was power oriented.
> “The dogs traced Laci’s scent to the marina, but not to the warehouse or the boat.”
Actually, no. ‘Merlin’ the magic scent dog, didn’t trace anything. He did something all experts have stated was impossible. He showed ‘interest’ at the launching site however no proof of that was ever found, only the word of the dog owner.
IIRC, another dog was started at the Peterson home and immediately alerted to a ‘hot’ trail for Laci, however it led towards the airport district where the burglars lived so he was dragged off that trail and taken to the warehouse . . . where he found nothing.
Given that we now know that the fetus was alive for 10 days or more after Laci was abducted, clearly Merlin (or someone) was making it up.
(PS: I like the new page).
I meant one of the dogs traced Laci’s scent at the marina but it was based on a pair of sunglasses that was more than likely manipulated by Scott. Merlin was too busy doing magic tricks to be doing his job. LOL
The results were dismal and should not have been presented at trial, except for comedy relief.
I think Scott did it but I also believe there wasn’t enough evidence to convict him! If you go back to the basics it’s pretty much a forgone conclusion. For instance, it wouldn’t take much to over power a 9 month old pregnant lady and sit on her while strangling her to death. Little to no blood with strangulation. That’s why there was no clean up or evidence or evidence of clean up! Statistically, what are the chances that the burglars from across the road would dump Lacys body in the same area where Scott went fishing? Illogical and nonsensical. I don’t think Scott cared that Amber had a child as apparently, she wasn’t a terribly good mother so wouldn’t be around much. Also Scott had several “dalliances” with women during his short marriage so whose to say he was “serious” about Amber anyway? She was just one more woman. Plus let’s not forget he said that Christmas would be his first without his deceased wife, before Laci was even dead! I could go on. As I said before, I think he did it but the prosecutor’s definitely didn’t prove it beyond a reasonable doubt!
I agree that there was not enough to convict him. Even if a husband can overpower his pregnant wife, there is the matter of when it happened. The Martha Stewart show was definitely on in the morning, it was more than likely her who was on the computer in the morning, the bench and curling iron on the bathroom counter indicated that she did her hair in the morning. Who curls her hair before bed? If she was killed in the morning, no way she would not have put up a fight.
And with the newly discovered testimony of the postman, we have several witnesses who still insist they saw her walk the dog and the timeline coincides. It is difficult to mistake both the dog and the person walking it.
That burglary across the street is bothersome, especially considering that the police got rid of a prison taped conversation mentioning that the burglars had been confronted by Laci, and that it was connected to the criminals who perpetrated this theft.
We all know that after death, not always immediately, but eventually, the region of your brain that controls the muscles that hold your sphincter closed becomes incapacitated. Just like those rare occasions where you laughed so hard you peed in your pants, and the bodily functions are in spontaneous relaxation. There would have been sign of that DNA somewhere.
Nothing on the bed, in the house, in the boat, in the truck.
The other matter is to lift a heavy body that has become dead weight from a truck parked outside in broad daylight and put it in a boat with 5 weights (according to investigators). My other big problem is to kneel in a small boat to lift this kind of weight and literally throw it in the water. You would have to kneel and extend yourself and rolling it on the side would make the boat tip over.
Plus, leaving the boat unattended while you go buy a ticket at the marina?
There is a witness who saw him motor by and saw nothing in the boat.
That boat was registered and he gave his real name and address to the owner. Took the money from their joint account. Laci saw the boat but why would she have told her parents? She did not get along with Ron and did not tell her mom about all their purchases.
He had no way of knowing if it would work in salt water and went anyway with a dead body in it?
I have too many questions.
He had two short known affairs in his marriage and it was when Laci lived away because of work and studies. Amber happened when his wife was very pregnant and not into sex anymore. Amber was never a motive. Saying that you lost your wife is repulsive but another guy did exactly the same thing to Amber before Scott. He told her his wife died of heart problems and she saw her at the car wash. She was a distraction.
When asked about the comment, he answered that there were different kinds of loss. One has to wonder what kind of relationship Scott and Laci had.
If he planned to kill his wife, why tell witnesses about it? Imagine Amber meeting his family and they are still looking for Laci. Nobody would have stopped looking for her. Amber would have found out the truth anyway so it did not appear to be a plan he was executing.
I don’t know about you, but if I was stuck with a dead body, I would definitely dump it where the husband went so it does not come back to me. There were many areas where it was possible to go with a car and dump anything a few feet away in the water. No need for a boat.
We never knew how Evelyn Hernandez’ body was disposed of in the bay and the suspect never got charged.
It really was not up to Peterson’s team to offer an alternative theory. If it does not fit, you must acquit.
I really don’t know if Scott is innocent or not, but as you said, the prosecutors did not prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.
I’ve now come to call these cases a “Texas Trial”. The prosecutor claims:
1. He could have done it.
2. He can’t prove he didn’t do it.
3. He’s a dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty man so let’s git ‘im for Jesus and the flag.
Look how well this case fits that definition. Never mind that this is not the law in any state. It is used all the time now.
I have serious concerns about the robbery that took place across the street from the Peterson’s home the very morning that Laci Peterson went missing. Apparently some men in a van had robbed the house across the street, and had taken a safe. Peterson’s neighbor reported this to the Police. The Police did “solve” the robbery case but they had the date for that as occurring on the 26th of December. However Peterson’s neighbor is certain that she saw the men with the van take the safe on the 24th. On the 26th that street was busy with all kinds of TV Trucks and paparazzi covering the Peterson’s – there were witnesses all over the place including one reporter who was parked right there and he says he is sure that no robbery took place on the 26th. Additionally there was a phone call made from the jail by one of the men implicated in the burglary — on the call he tells one of his cohorts that during the robbery Laci Peterson walked up to them and started asking questions, etc. This was supposedly reported to the Police but somehow the report was lost and or over looked, and the tape of the call was lost. This is important evidence and this was never brought up at trial. This definitely puts doubt into this conviction… I mean, it kind of explains the whole thing… why there is no evidence of a murder as far as Scott Peterson is concerned, etc. This makes more sence — that Laci walked up upon these three goons who were in the middle of a robbery, and so they pull her into their van and drive off with her, leaving the dog with the leash still attached walking the neighborhood. This ties the entire case together… It explains why so many people claim they saw Laci walking the dog in the park. The whole thing makes so much more sense like this, doesn’t it? I mean for Christ sake, we have a guy sitting on death row for years, and this evidence of a robbery occurring across the street is not even mentioned in court, and now people try to say that the robbery occurred on the 26th of December, but there seems to be people who say it was the 24th as it could not have occurred on the 26th — then you have the phone call from the guys who did the robbery in which they discuss Laci interrupting the robbery. I mean Jesus Christ on a scooter – and nobody bothers to bring this up as part of the Defense?
The only real evidence of anything at all that would seem to link Scott Peterson to this murder is the fact that the bodies of Laci and the baby turned up near where Scott went fishing, but the whole world knew exactly where he went fishing. So all the real killers had to do was drop Laci off in the bay and it would look like Scott Peterson did it. Yes it is totally evil to do something like that, because the real killers could have just as easily taken her body someplace where Scott Peterson would have had an alibi, but that would have put the heat on the Robbers. By putting her body in the Bay, it made a nice little package for everyone to buy into.
It is also important to note that the guys who did the burglary were seasoned criminals… They all had extensive criminal records including for violence – I believe I read that one of those men had two strikes already, as opposed to Scott Peterson who had no criminal record. Think about it. Does it take Sherlock Holmes to figure this one out? Does Scott Peterson seem like the kind of person who could kill his wife and leave absolutely zero evidence of a murder taking place in his home or office or car? I don’t think so — the guy comes across as being not so smart and calculated. It is so rare for a person to do what Peterson is accused of and yet leave no real evidence that would link them to the crime. This fact alone if true would be highly unusual to a degree where this alone would make this case one to talk about, and this is a solid point… Peterson doing this on Christmas Eve when they are expected at a party that night – it just makes so little sense. But the robbery across the street — that is the place to look, and for some reason nobody did, and evidence of that event seems to have been covered up and/or altered.
The evidence about the burglary across the street and the phone calls from the jail that were made by the buglers should have been brought up at the trial. It is unclear if the Defense was even made aware of this evidence existing. It is clear to me that Scott Peterson was not given a fair trial. I also feel that Marc Garegos is an incompetent attorney.
A new trial must be granted, and if that happens I am quite confident that he will be acquitted. Imagine that… Imagine that story. Just imagine that story. What are the rights to that story worth from the perspective of Scott Peterson. What if the kid really is innocent. It just seems like nobody ever gave this thing a look from that angle – like maybe he is innocent. Whether he is innocent or guilty that robbery across the street is something that cannot be overlooked and avoided. Give the kid a new trial, a fair trial, and let the chips land where they may.
Don’t think that there are not innocent people who are sent to Prison — it happens all the time. I would hate to be in the shoes of Scott Peterson. By the way, here is a question for all to ponder: Lets say the Appeals Court does give Scott Peterson a new trial. If this were to happen do you think the prosecutor would try the case again, or do you think they would try to make a deal with Peterson? What if they said to Peterson, ok you do one more years in an low security lockup, etc perhaps with work release, etc. (easy time) and plead guilty to manslauter (something like this), and it will be time served…. Do you think that Peterson would go for that, or would he go for the new trial?
I agree with you entirely about the ridiculous media frenzy that accompanied this trial. When the case is subjudice, only bare minimum media coverage would be allowed here in Australia. The name of the man charged, what he was charged with, when the trial would be held. That’s it. During the trial, only court reports allowed, giving details of who was on the stand and what they said, what the prosecution said and what the defense said. Nothing more. After the trial, then it’s open slather. People can write and say what they like. The problem with the so-called freedom of speech (which gives no fairness to the person on trial) in America, it is possible jurors who are not in lockdown may have access to this widely divergent public and media opinion. It is the laws relating to media subjudice that are at fault. Filming of proceedings is OK provided that the print and other media express only what has been seen on court provided film of the trial. The problem with the interference in the proceedings by hyped up media is that it confuses people and they end up not being able to distinguish between the unfariness of media hype and the facts of the matter relating to the evidence presented in the case. I think that despite the media hype, and the gross unfairness of that to the accused, Scott Petersen is undoubtedly guilty. All the evidence in the case points clearly to his guilt, in my opinion. It was proven beyond doubt, to me. The danger of the right decision being overturned is high, because of media prejudice and the spewing of hate directed at the accused by people, both USA citizens and media, who are not bound by subjudice laws as we have in Australia. The only people we can consider in any case is the accused and the victim/s. All other persons surrounding the case – unless they have evidence which contributes to the case for or against the accused- are extraneous and irrelevant. Amber Frey would be the only one in that category.
Some countries protect the integrity of the case. Not the case in the US. I saw the Belgian series De Twaalf on Netflix and even if it is not a real case, it shows jury deliberations with the help of court officers. This is the missing element in the US. They need professional jurors or some legal minded arbitrator to guide them. In the Peterson’s case, they fired the foreman who was a trained lawyer because he took too much time and wanted to deliberate by the book. Plus, they said he was pro-defense. Imagine that, starting with a point of innocent until proven guilty and they did not get it. One of the jurors said that they had to take an alternate (strawberry shortcake) and she came in the room and instead of wanting to go back to the beginning, she said ‘lets find him guilty, he killed little man’. They had to force her to start fresh. They also got rid of another guy who said innocent until proven guilty. One of the bullies in the jury was heard talking about the case in a bar and was known to intimidate other jurors. It should never happen. Plus the lady they called Strawberry shortcake had lied on her questionnaire. The others did lend her money to keep her on the jury because they knew she considered Peterson guilty from the get go. Plus, this death penalty qualified juror business has to stop. So the media aspect was prejudicial and made it possible for these 12 incompetent to gain control of the room and have 7 of them write a lucrative book afterwards. Another blow to due process. Imagine finding someone not guilty when there is a mob waiting for you??? Possible but not probable.