With a defense attorney like Kirk Nurmi, who needs a prosecutor like Juan Martinez?
“To fully get a visual of what Ms. Arias did to my brain, you would have to find some fecal matter, throw it into the pan, add a chopped up dead rat and scramble the whole mess up. Once completely cooked, this concoction would then approximate the effect that Ms. Arias had on my brain.”

Kirk Nurmi
This is an excerpt from the book Jodi Arias’ defense (and I use the term loosely) attorney wrote, possibly on the back of toilet paper, after he was released from a case he did not win or even remotely tried with professionalism, competence or common sense.
I would imagine that this pathetic attempt at redeeming his image or boost his legal career, might eventually cost him more than he bargained for.
I do not know what is in the water in Arizona, but the prosecutor working the same case is also publishing a book, probably available during the Holidays and so handy to offer as the gift that keeps on giving for those eager to spew hatred.
The difference being that the prosecutor is supported by a big publishing company and the defense attorney had to handle his own publishing. It is a story of David and Goliath, and even if the little guy defeated the big fat giant, the only losers had to be Lady Justice standing by looking revulsed, and of course the defendant, Ms. Arias, who was stuck between these two malefactors after the death of her lover.

Kids, the Circus is in town
One was supposed to defend her because the other one wanted to kill her. Even if their goals were legitimately opposed, it is now difficult to differentiate between the two. And the fact that they are both writing a book to disgrace Arias even if an appeal is underway is beyond unethical, not to say mind blowing.
How is it even possible or allowed? It is a blatant attempt at throwing the book at justice.
Are they so afraid that the decision might not stand on appeal that they are desperately trying to sink her case? They are like the Arizona mafia making sure they leave only dead bodies in their wake. They both struck out so now they are back for a home run and want to make sure the defendant is sunk, but with blocks of cement this time; and what better way to do this than through public opinion and with added details they could not inject in the trial.
Passing the bar

Bar exam
Becoming an attorney is no easy feat and it requires dedication and countless hours spent studying, especially if you are not of superior intelligence, but just average Joes like Nurmi and Martinez.
It is not sufficient to pass the exam to become an attorney. Bar examiners also assess the character and fitness of applicants for a law license. They seek background information because law is a public profession and ”once licensed, attorneys have the power to inflict substantial harm to their vulnerable client if they so desire.”
Many fail the bar exam several times and Nurmi was one of the numerous students to encounter this roadblock. But he persevered because, according to his book, he had a passion for the law and wanted to become a public defender.

Juan studied at AZ State University
Martinez also succeeded in his quest to become a lawman in spite of his humble origins, and managed to become the first in his Mexican family to have reached this level of education.
They both frequented average institutions and eventually found their way to Arizona to fulfill their legal ambition. Martinez as a prosecutor and Nurmi as a public defender. They had never faced each other in a courtroom but their mutual experience in capital cases was the link that eventually brought them together.
The lawyer’s oath and office

Justice Miller
Justice Miller of the Supreme Court described the lawyer’s office in these terms ‘’the lawyer in this country is one of the administrators of justice. The judge who presides in the court is another, with more authority of position, and, perhaps, in some respects, a more burdensome one.
The court, and the clerk, and the marshal, the sheriff, the jury, the lawyer, all constitute ministers of justice; and a lawyer who consciously undertakes to thwart justice is unfit for the position, as much as the judge who accepts a bribe, or knowingly decides a case against the law and the right; and it should be understood that they are subjected, to their clients; but this is not the first duty, as is generally supposed. Their first duty is the administration of justice, and their duty to their client is subordinate to that.’’
What happened in Arizona? You have sheriff Arpaio ruling as a tyrant and the prosecutor and defense attorney of a high profile case with an appeal underway deciding to write a book about it with the authorization of the DA’s office. Will the presiding judge, Sherry Stephens, dance the Can Can during Juan Martinez book tour?
And what to say about jurors from this particular case, partying with the victim’s family? There are no words.
Instead of raising the bar in Arizona, this small cluster of legal beagles decided to limbo under the bar, go over the bar, to the bar or through the bar. But whatever they did has nothing to do with their first duty which should have been the administration of justice.
Their fixation on lowering the bar when it comes to the Jodi Arias case is troubling and seems to stem from egotistic pursuits.
Trapped with Ms. Arias

Nurmi violating his oath of office
To say that this book is a mess would be an understatement. It is lacking in every aspect possible; poorly written, inconsistent, illogical, unprofessional.
In this lowly effort, Kirk Nurmi seems to be bent on revenge. He was poorly perceived during this high profile trial and is desperately seeking approbation from his critics.
His narrative is crippled by striking contradictions. He is against the death penalty but if Arias screams at her own mother over the phone to give her money for Doritos, and talks to supporters while sitting alone in a shitty jail, it becomes offensive enough to wish death upon her.
Beggars can’t be choosers and it also goes for her choice of attorney.
I would like to see him in jail with no money in his commissary account, fed only two meals a day and with no one to talk to. I have the feeling this ogre would roar. The telephone or video conferencing often becomes the only lifeline of inmates.

9 days out of 10, I try to save my butt
At trial, his defense was that his mentally disturbed client was abused and acted in self-defense in the death of Travis Alexander. He also tried to explain during his closing argument that the covert operation and premeditation presented by the state did not hold water.
In his book, he cannot go against his own defense theory without paying the piper, so he says in a roundabout way that she kind of deserved to die but because of observations he made while spying on her jail conversations. He tries to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.
I doubt that his phone will ring off the hook to request his legal representation after this one. Who will trust him now?
One cannot help but wonder what could have triggered this vindictiveness against Arias. The fact that he allegedly heard his wife being called a blonde skinny bitch by Sandra Arias during an exchange with her daughter probably did not help matters. The details he heard had absolutely nothing to do with the case and were never used by the prosecution; which emphasizes the fact that they were totally irrelevant.

Just doing my job
I still cannot get over the fact that he sat for hours on end, like a Peeping Tom and a word voyeur, enraptured by all his client’s private conversations that he is now using to vilify her. He is threading through the shoals and sandbars; between a breach of confidentiality and what he can use without being reprimanded by the bar association. Good luck with that!
I have rarely read such illogical hogwash coming from an attorney and the cruel tone used against Arias persists throughout the book. A lawyer must remain objective and detached and should not want to hurt his client in any way.
He says Arias was flirtatious with him during their early encounters and later considered him as her boyfriend. Consequently, she did not mind if he saw her naked photos but threw a fit because he wanted to make them public during trial.
I know he says he is no psychologist, but a cauliflower would have more reasoning power. Is there a female on the planet who could believe that Arias tried to flirt with Nurmi? On the contrary, she probably tried to make him feel at ease because of his physical shortcomings. I wonder if in his next installment, we will learn that his co-chair and the judge made a move on him.
But for the sake of argument, let’s say she did, and it was because of the patterns he suspected came from abuse. Reporting it so negatively would absolutely forfeit his supposedly concern over her well-being because there would be absolutely no motivation to publish his suspicions except to do harm.
Architecture at Yale Law School. The lawyer is supposed to have the stubbornness of the bulldog, but not necessarily his looks
And if he does not understand the horror felt by a woman whose genitals and quasi pornographic pictures are about to be exposed to the world, he has no compassion or common sense whatsoever.
Arias did not see him as her boyfriend, but she thought of him as her lawyer. Of course, he could see her photos and every aspect of the case. Why would she have felt outraged by it? She did not have a choice anyway. He was supposed to be her ally until he decided to go into private practice and quit on her.
He does not seem to comprehend why a client whose life is on the line would be upset if her lawyer walked out in the middle of the case because he wants to go in private practice and does not give a damn about her. And especially because he cannot take the heat and would prefer to join the mob.

Estrella Tent city
The concept of incarceration also seems to evade him completely. When a young woman lives in a jail cell in Arizona, she is bound to be needy, eager to have human contact and someone to work on her case diligently. If her life is threatened by the state, she wants the undivided attention of her lawyer. Duh.
It is abhorrent to read the echo of his constant whining about doing his job: he even worked once on the weekend to meet Arias’ mother and he did not like her or her attitude.
She was supposedly not grateful enough for his half-ass effort to represent her daughter. A mother whose daughter is on trial with the death penalty on the table will certainly not qualify as a great candidate for the Nurmi Fan Club.
But, jeez, he had to work on the weekend so get lost Sandra Arias because you were no mother of the year and you live in Yreka. Nurmi expressed his disdain for Yreka and exposed the vacuous feeling emanating from the Arias family home where he did not feel very welcome. And darn, Jodi’s mom had to go to work. How inconvenient for him. It was not a lack of interest for her daughter, but the need to earn a living.
Did he expect Happy Days at la casa de los Cunningham? The Arias family has been devastated in more ways than one and they did not roll out the red carpet for him. Was it so hard to understand that he was not their savior or hero, but the public defender of the last resort dragging his feet since day one?
And by the way folks, he did not like Jodi’s cat either or being asked if he petted the little feline.
The man could not comprehend that her cat might have been one of the few anchors left in her life and very precious to her. Funny how he keeps floating the idea that Jodi was cruel to animals as a child, but he despises her bloody cat and will not bother with it.
He sounds like Martinez during a sidebar, trying to squeeze in that Arias would hold her cat a little too tight. These two are so desperate that it borders on SNL.
I also took exception to his comments about the Arias family not caring about Jodi, including her sister and brothers. Did it ever occur to him that they had no intention of confiding in him because they did not trust his actions? By all accounts, her siblings adore her.
Instead of a mea culpa, his book is a mea innocentia. You would expect a narrative of the case point by point with explanations as to why it went wrong; lack of expert testimony about the crime scene, blood spatter, no gun expert and how the prosecutor’s intimidation of the domestic violence witness and the psychologist worked against him. His client’s testimony being way too long. The role of the media that turned his client into a monster and made his work an uphill battle. Or how he was too repetitive and kept bringing up the bloody sex tape ad nauseam.
He is defending himself and not Arias. He is attacking her and keeps delivering low blows to show the legion of Jodi haters that he did not mean to represent her, but was forced to do so. He cannot really do it without sabotaging the entire defense he presented and risk being disbarred so he picks her apart in several other ways that are totally irrelevant to the case and conveniently not verifiable.
At trial, he deplored Travis’ abusive language towards Jodi and used it as a mitigating factor, but he now uses terms like ‘dead rat’ and ‘feces’ in reference to his client. He is desperately trying to redeem himself by joining the bullies who kicked his client when she was down. I cannot imagine that this will not be included in the record on appeal.
It turns out that Kirk Nurmi hates Estrella Jail. News flash, all the inmates hate that horrible dungeon, but it is his job to visit his client every week in a capital case.
He did not like to go to Mesa or Yreka either. In fact, he did not like to do his job at all. Digging to find evidence or witnesses to support his client’s case was a real burden.
Are we to forget that Nurmi was paid $2.5 million for defending Arias?

Brewer & Arias
And talking to her was also a burden. Strangely, when other people enjoy talking to Arias, he deducts that she has the quality of a cult leader. It is not because she is nice or generous, it is because she hypnotizes them.
I wonder what Darryl Brewer saw in her. Could it be that she worked hard and was very nice to his son? Or was she a cult leader who happened to pay a huge share of the mortgage? And what about Matt? Did they remain friends after he cheated on her because she had a hold on him? She could not make him faithful with her special power? This woman never had a free ride in her life. She always worked hard to earn her keep.
Even Travis Alexander said that Arias was a much nicer person than he was. So Nurmi trying to demonize his client to get brownie points after the fact sounds terribly like sour grapes.
Excerpt from e-mail exchange between Travis Alexander and Sky Hughes before they realized that their reputation and livelihood could be jeopardized by the trial, and decided to throw her under the bus and to protect Travis instead: “Chris and I have talked about, What/who is Travis going to marry? I couldn’t come up with the person/personality, until Jodi. I have often thought that she has got to be a little crazy just because she seems way too perfect. She is sooooo soft, and sooooo kind, and so mellow … You two balance each other more than any couple I have ever seen.”

Jennifer Wilmot saved Arias life
Jennifer Willmott liked her client and basically saved her from the death penalty during her 1st trial.
Nurmi did not do much for his client, except destabilize her case, obsess on the sex tape and pick his nose on camera.
The only strong cross-examination of witnesses came from Willmott.
When during closing argument, he said that he did not like Arias, the jury could only hear the message loud and clear. It pretty well nullified his defense.
You do not have to like your client to put up a good defense, but in such a high profile case, 9 days out of 10 was an overkill. Once again, he was trying to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds and it should constitute pretty interesting material for appeal.
The ‘I do not like my client’ tactic has been used successfully in other cases, but always with the intent to win over the jury to your side. Never with the ‘I’m stuck defending this client, but don’t hate me for it cause I hate her too’ tactic.

Bryan Neumeister opened the floodgates of Porngate
He improved during the second trial, and grew some hair and legal balls, but it was too late in the game. And who came up with porngate? It was Jodi Arias herself. In the short time that she represented herself, she managed to dig up that information.
She had tried to get Nurmi to inquire about the porn on the computer and he never did. And he is now blaming her for wanting him to do his job.
Nurmi is convinced that Jodi Arias was sexually abused as a child. On what basis? He keeps repeating that he is not a psychologist, and it is pretty obvious by now that he lacks common sense. She obviously was neglected, and they mentioned some abuse at trial, but he should have kept this new theory to himself, especially without any evidence to support his allegations.
If he believed Jodi had mental problems and was the victim of sexual abuse, he should have shown compassion instead of intolerance. You do not write a burn book about your client when her appeal is underway or join the ranks of the army of cynics eager to burn her at the stake. It is called catering to hate.

Sandra Arias
Even if Yreka was too lowly for the great Jabba and he accuses Jodi’s mother of not being there for her daughter, she sat in the court room every day of the trial, in spite of her financial difficulties. Arias testified that their relationship was complicated.
Who is he to bash her family publicly when he damaged her more than they ever could? The woman was totally devastated by this tragedy and her husband could not attend the trial most of the time because he is afflicted with serious health problems.
I am still intrigued by the fact that only one female juror saw that at the time of the tragedy, Arias was in the throes of depression and it was well documented in her journals. She saved Jodi’s life.
Arias’s father had told detective Flores that his daughter was very upset and suffering from shifting moods since a couple of years. She would call crying and scream at her mother and call back a short time later and be very nice and apologetic. It happened to be the exact period of time she spent with Travis in Mesa. It is not difficult to tie her troubles to this situation.
When the poor man passed away after years of ill health, the media cruelly came up with headlines like “Killer’s father dies under mysterious circumstances.” There was nothing mysterious about his death, but I am surprised that they did not accuse her of murdering him telepathically.

Nurmi the unwilling well paid defender
Nurmi knew about her condition and the fact that she was lodged in one of the worst jails in America, and for a time, in a cell for 23 hours a day. You would think that it would have explained, at least partly, the behavior he keeps questioning and criticizing.
He hated setting foot there but his client was not supposed to be affected by her incarceration? She stayed in jail 5 years awaiting her trial because she was indigent. If she had money, she could have been out on bail. And he did not know why she was emotional or gathering help from supporters and her family?
There is comic relief in the book. It is not all sour grapes. When Nurmi talks about Arias growing pot on the roof of her family home as the result of abuse, I could not help but laugh and recall how Jodi’s friend said that it was one dried up plant in a Tupperware container. No big deal. Her parents totally overreacted to that event by calling the cops on their daughter, even if according to Nurmi, they did not care about their kids.

Gideon’s Army
It is not psychology 101, it is Nurmi 000. The man often lacks judgment and it was clearly on display at trial. He never knew when to stop and usually ended up beating a dead horse. He had a knack for diluting the impact of a revealing statement by repeating it too many times.
There are moments in the book when he appears to feign compassion or sadness, especially for Travis Alexander and his family or to describe some troubling scenes in prison, but it falls flat. He is not selling it with great conviction.
I now seriously doubt his initial passion for being a public defender. He is no Gideon’s army. He is a lone ego driven attorney who decided to put his own interests ahead of the administration of justice and his client.
Real public defenders handle hundreds of cases and he ended up with one, but managed to turn it into the Shining.
I have worked with many lawyers through the years and not once have I heard one of them complain this way. And I never encountered a case where both sides of a coin become one in order to milk a tragedy.
Nurmi should stick to writing diet books and growing his hair.
Juan Martinez will try to administer the last blow to Arias in his future best-seller book, but the Damocles sword might be hanging over his own head right now because of the complaints that will be filed against him in Arizona. His long dark history is nipping at his heels.
Click here for a recap of Juan’s accomplishments and the complaint being filed by attorney Robert McWhirter to the State Bar of Arizona. According to Mel McDonald, a onetime judge and United States Attorney for the district of Arizona who now works as a criminal defense attorney, “Juan is a victory-at-any-cost prosecutor driven by his own ego,” “He lies easily and he always overreaches, always plays to the mob mentality.”

Abbott & Costello Who’s on First?
For the record, I do not see this prosecutor as a great legal mind, but mostly as a shrewd man working in a much too lenient County.
He would have been relegated to the ranks of average lawyer if he played by the rules or resided in a legally civilized state. His victories are mostly based on grandstanding and shady practices supported by an anemic jury pool.
Martinez is holding on to his new found fame and the only way to do it is through osmosis. The kind of adulation he is craving is intricately tied to Jodi Arias and without his better half, he will go back to the land of oblivion. Who will ask him for an autograph if he moves on to another case?
These two Abbott and Costello make us wonder ‘Who’s on first?’
Their greed and ego has made them push the legal envelope and walk a very fine line. If they keep it up, they might provide Arias a get out of jail card. So until they wake up and smell due process, she’s on first.
Click here for a legal opinion on Nurmi being a disgrace to his profession for writing a book about his client.
Click here to read the 12 reasons to worry about our criminal justice system by Judge Alex Kozinski, a prominent appellate judge in the US.
UPDATE: The chickens came home to roost. Click here to read about Nurmi’s 4 year suspension for writing a burn book about his client.
UPDATE: Click here to read about Nurmi being disbarred after objections to a 4 year suspension. Will it open the door to the publication of part II and III of his trilogy?
You can read Arias’ attorney full statement here.
Jodi Arias is suing Kirk Nurmi for punitive and compensatory damages. You can click to read her complaint.
The content exposes a situation even worst than what I had expected. Kirk Nurmi is undoubtedly the most pitiful and overpaid attorney to have ever spearheaded a high profile case.
The State Bar of Arizona received another ethics complaint against Maricopa County Attorney Juan Martinez for inappropriate conduct with a trial blogger. Click to read about it.
Juan Martinez has been disbarred. Click to read
As always, Excellent Lise!!! Very well written!!! On point about the Sour Grapes.
Thank you Joe!
I read the book last weekend. “He is defending himself and not Arias” says it all. I was almost okay with it when I first started it, but when I got to the one line sentence, (paraphrasing), “And, no, Jodi I do not like your cat.” I thought, how very mean and the rest of the book followed this tone. I understand that Jennifer Wilmott went to Perryville to tell Jodi about the book so she would not be blindsided. Understandably she’s devastated. How does one answer character assassinations such as this? With this book, Nurmi has now joined the ranks of the overzealous Jodi haters. An interesting position for her lead defense attorney while an ongoing appeal is underway. I predict in the next book he will go after the rest of the defense team next. Due to his self-publishing and limited release only on Amazon with no Kindle, I doubt he will become rich with this book. On the other hand, sitting prosecutor Juan Martinez has publishing power behind him with his book coming out everywhere next year–in all formats. Bestseller potential. Filing a motion and receiving permission to leave his current case for a six month book tour says everything for the Arizona judicial system, of which no one seems to be in charge. Excellent essay…..as usual, Lise.
Thank you Dori. I think you are bloody well right about the next book being about the rest of the defense team. He is settling scores and I was troubled by his Peeping Tom attitude. He sat there listening to all her private conversations and judged her. If the prosecution didn’t use them, it is because there was nothing there. He enjoyed the invasion of privacy but obviously disliked being on the road or digging for any kind of evidence.
I cannot imagine how she must feel after learning that these two men are ripping her to shreds again. They just won’t leave it alone.
The part about the dead rat and fecal matter in his brain is very telling. Freudian slip in my opinion.
If the book was about the legalese of the case, I would still disagree about the timing, but there could be merit to it. But it is a big Shootout at the OK Coral. He obviously feels humiliated by his lackluster performance and focuses on restoring his reputation. And not understanding the attachment for the cat is beyond words.
I am shocked by the fact that she would break down crying because of the horror of her situation and he would walk away not even trying to understand where the pain came from.
Juan has the big machine behind him and he will cash in that is for sure. He could not do the happy dance after the death penalty so he will get her where it really hurts.
They have crossed the line. As sad as this is, it will boost her appeal. Only in Arizona.
Lise, you already know how much I enjoy reading your brilliant articles. This one was another amazing, brilliant piece. Keep them coming! ♥
Now that’s a book review…Thank You from a man of the North….Anns land…..it’s auburn dang it. Now we do know that $ is the root of all evil and in az. roots run deep. Remind folks a trial is not over till the appeals are,and then a pardon can undue ANY injustice.Thus is the power of a just society. As history has shown time and time again,it only takes a few to right wrongs 1776…..1861….and now 2013/2015…..We need never give up,history is on Our side…no need to hate the hater’s on the way to the bank.Their books speak their true…..EVIL….thanks….keep sending more info for appeals.
Great piece! I am still mad about this joke of a trial. It was flawed from the get go, and I still can’t believe how Juan M. controlled the entire process…manipulated Sherry S. like a puppet.
I agree and when we think it is over, it keeps on going with more malice. Hard to believe. Thanks!
I suggest that you Lise and everyone else who reads this article – if you will permit it – cuts and pastes it to the book review on Amazon, giving you credit for the writing of it, of course. After all, there was a barrage seeking to discredit poor Alyce LaViolette with the same tactics when she appeared on the stand as an expert witness for the defense. They caused the poor woman to be hospitalized in distress. Nurmi has been so mean, unethical and underhanded in doing this, I think he deserves the retribution. With a defense lawyer like him, who needs enemies like Juan Martinez? Spot on Lise, as usual. For the benefit of the readers, here’s the link where you can heap the proverbial on him.
I would rather not Pamela. I appreciate the vote of confidence but I want nothing to do with Nurmi or his book. Not even in the comment section. I disagreed with what they did to Alyce Laviolette and i will let people write whatever they want about it.
I have to admit that his language shocked me. I never expected it to be so crass and vulgar. He is really mad. Probably because of his ego.
Thanks for reading.
What’s in the water, is right. Fame & fortune we’d all like a piece of. I guess for a big man & an almost midget; what’s more important that fame & fortune; certainly not ethics.
It proves that Nurmi (aka Wormi) has no allegiance and no personal beliefs – he goes wherever the wind blows.
And what has he achieved? Travis supporters STILL call him Wormi, now I call him Wormi as well. He’s despised on both sides.
Just look at his new getup – it is ludicrous! What is he trying to look like – a teenage rapper??? He’s not acting his age! And he has the gall to accuse Jodi of throwing tantrums! I’m absolutely positive that if Jodi ever lost it with Wormi, it was Wormi himself who instigated it. Just look at Jennifer, she gets along with Jodi just fine, no personal conflicts, no bad blood between them. So Nurmi needs to ask himself – maybe it’s his lack of people skills that precipitated their falling-out? I think the answer is a resounding YES!!!
And he still looks fat to me – his diet didn’t help him, he’s gained a lot of weight.
Here’s hoping his private practice will go belly up (due to lack of clients – who needs a whistle-blower/rapper for an attorney) – that would be poetic justice.
I usually abstain from name calling and I was kind of OK with Nurmi even if I thought he did a mediocre job for his client. After all, he was a public defender working with limited means and skills and his client was very unpopular so he was going to get a lot of flak.
I think he did a much better job in the second trial and brought decent experts. After Arias found out about the computer problem, he was able to work it and he did a decent job.
I prefer criticizing the performance than the appearance of a person, but after reading his book, I think he deserves all the rotten tomatoes thrown at him.
Saying that Arias was being seductive is the first strike. Let’s be realistic here, he is no Romeo and from all accounts, she is a very friendly person.
You’re right, Judy Clarke, Willmott and her mitigation specialist had no problems with their client. So we are to believe that he was not the problem? Especially when he uncovers in his book, many incidents where she was falling apart and he dismissed her.
The minute he went into private practice, he stopped taking her calls and misbehaved. I understand that he tried to walk away but he had a job to do.
If not for the book, I would have nothing more to say about it. But he lost me at dead rat and feces. And his horrible criticism of the Arias family makes me not care at all if people call him Wormi or any other name.
He has no allegiance to his client or to the administration of justice.
Im neutral on the whole thing and its been that way I am open to defense evidence and I am open to prosecution evidence (everyone should be). Would it be far fetched to say Jodi is not perfect what she did was terrible and she hurt her own credibility? None the less if I was in a similar situation I am not sure how honest I would be but Ive dated my share of douche bags so I am not saying what happened was right but I get why it happened. If you guys are serious about getting Jodi a 2nd chance with an appeal or new trial and you genuinely think she is innocent you need to do some damage control. Please consider trying the following:
Instead of calling the deceased a pedo or saying bad things about his family or calling anyone who thinks Jodi is guilty a pedo-hugger try humainizing Jodi like how Lisa did in this article. When I see on the JAII website a picture of a body bag and it says justice served I automatically feel obligated to feel empathy for the victim as would most people with conscience. There is no proof that he was pedofile (maybe you know something I dont but Jodi just is not credible) if proof exists prove it dont say things without supporting proof. Even if you believe Jodi not a lot of people do and you need help her get the credibilty she lost. You dont want possible judges or jurys seeing these things.
Create an innocent website that doesnt give off a hostille vibe even though Jodi doesnt have access to the internet anything affiliated with her comes off as her. Instead of the uncomfortable cussing and name calling of the victim or anyone else who doesnt agree create a warm welcoming site that makes the person want to get to know Jodi. Like it or not JAII makes Jodi come off as a bully and its hurting her.
Provide actual proof that supports Jodi’s side that isnt biased or emotionally driven. Engaging your audience on why Jodi should have 2nd chance matters. You’re her supporters work on her image and be approachable for people to ask questions and not feel intimidated.
I know you guys care about her and I am not trying to offend any of you I would just like to offer some neutral advice.
Also try getting Jodi some positive PR she needs it like having JAII make a statement saying Jodi found out what is being said on there and she doesnt condone it and shes asked whoever is behind the website to change it and she is sorry for not having this brought to her attention sooner and she would never encourage the Alexander family having to be criticized or made fun of. Seriously make her human I promise you it will make the difference. There is no doubt in my mind jurors were reading up on the case during the trial.
Hi Jessica, I thank you for your great comment.
This site is about restorative justice and is not part of any other initiative. But I get that you are addressing the message to another site.
I am also open to evidence coming from both sides and I try to have no personal ties with the cases I write about to remain objective.
For the record, I would never post body bags photos and do not wish the victim’s family any harm.
I am upset by Nurmi and Martinez’s lack of common sense and ethics in this case, especially by publishing books during an appeal.
Jodi should be humanized and the restorative justice agenda promoted.
I agree with your assessment.
Hi Lise,
Wow,just wow.
Thanks for reading that shit so I don`t have to.
This poor woman is reaping the wrath of these soulless morons because she probably represents the zillions of attractive women who wouldnt touch them with a ten foot pole.And the women who knew the kind of women the boys wanted and it was not them.
So first it is Travis we know the hell and slut shaming he put her through,the abuse damn it.And here comes the next group,one premeditating her murder and the other is pissed that he is forced to try and save her.Let`s not forget the judge.What a shit show.
Was Jodie born with a bulls eye?
Can you tell I am pissed?
So well written,best.
On a lighter note,hope you and yours have wonderful holiday and a healthy one that is free of knuckleheads.xo
Thanks for the best wishes Beth. I get your anger. I was upset when I read that ‘shit’ also.
It sure looks like Jodi Arias has become the human piñata for so many.
I am trying to forget the judge. When will she come up with a book about how horrible doing her job was?
I am receiving messages wishing for Jodi to burn in hell for eternity. And they all think she manipulated everyone. Why on earth is she sitting in prison if she was such a great manipulator? A great manipulator would not have talked to the cops, would not have testified and would have never admitted anything. A great manipulator would have charmed the jury and the public. A great manipulator would have been sitting at home eating bonbons while the guy she was fleecing was going to work. Instead, she always worked hard and never got a free ride. She was cheated on and did not know how to walk away.
She was much smarter than Nurmi and tried to get him to move his butt to defend her. So now he is burning her for it. Where is the professionalism?
There is something so legally and morally wrong about all this. She was psychologically damaged by TA and the two men who should have helped rehabilitate her life, are now walking all over her. Nurmi kept repeating that TA abused her by calling her horrible names and he mentions feces and dead rats when he speaks about her? No doubt, they are in his brain and his own demons, and not about how any of his clients made him feel.
All the best to you!
“The part about the dead rat and fecal matter in his brain is very telling. Freudian slip in my opinion.”
Nurmi is the ultimate bully. He wants to push Jodi Arias to suicide in her cell.
This comment was more about himself than his client. At least I think it was. But it stuck with me. I asked a few lawyers I know their opinion on this. They said it was very Edgar Poe and they never heard a colleague express these kind of dark thoughts.
Working on a capital case and visiting horrible jails like Estrella had to be difficult for him and it did put his head in places he didn’t want to go to, but he blames it on Jodi.
I wouldn’t go as far as saying he wants his former client to die. Once again, I think he was projecting into her, his deepest dark moments. He obviously is not meant to be a capital case lawyer and should work on lighter cases.
He does not seem to have an antenna to gage his own intensity so he projects it into the case and Jodi. His fixation on the sex tape at trial was also weird. He made the case very creepy and it influenced jurors and viewers. He kind of tainted the whole process. Thank goodness for Willmott who brought a sense of normalcy.
She needed a professional lawyer with no emotional baggage and more common sense. To this day, he does not seem to realize that other people also have feelings. He thinks Arias is a cult leader because some people like to interact with her. It seems that it is a quality he wishes he had.
The fact that he decided to show the naked photos and play the sex tape for the world, when it could have been played exclusively to the jurors, demonstrates a careless disregard for his client’s feelings. Mind you, the judge should have used her discretion on this one. It was almost a public shaming. How would it help his client? How mortified she must have been. And to this day, he does not admit the cruelty of it. And in his book, he injects the sexual abuse theory when nobody from the prosecution or the defense side remotely brought it up at trial. Dark obsessions once again.
And that sitting for hours and hours to listen to her conversations. I think his time should have been spent being less of a voyeur and more of a lawyer. The fact that he changed his physical appearance so dramatically after the first trial shows how shaken he was by the horrible criticism he received because of his lack of appeal in the media. It became about his own flawed image and not about his client.
He should have been allowed to walk away from the case. The last thing Jodi needed was to be part of his creepiness. I hope she didn’t take this to heart.
In his book, Nurmi tries to paint a picture of Jodi having no support, but he chooses to attack her anyway. But no matter what he does, she has support.
Sorry if my language offended anyone,it was early a.m. and I havent slept in days.
I am that angry,however.
Lise said it better than I did.
Not to worry Beth. It came from the heart and it was a knee-jerk reaction. It had to be said.
I’m wondering if this tattle tell all, by Nurmi…is he trying to spin that he’s got mental issues, therefore too incompetent to represent such a high level case
AND also wonder if this is a underhanded plan to get Jodi Arias set free by these 2 books, JM and KN?
What would happen to this case if the best of the nest top lawyers dug a little deeper to and find something JA can hang her cap on, gain freedom! ???
OMG! Can this happen? Will this be JA and Nurmi’s trump card so they can get secreted away to Paradise, where they’ll live Happy NEVER after???
This is very disturbing at best….something is wrong with BOTH of these Lawyers tattle tell all books coming out this Holiday season!?!?!
Juan won, and Nurmi BOTH need to just leave it be, shut heck up!
Nurmi nurmied this case eons ago, starting with “I don’t like JA 9 days out of 10!…her couey smile to this comment seemed was a disingenuous smile
as she knew this was coming…just another step towards her freedom.
I put Judge Stevens on the same level as the Judge caught using his hidden penis pump during trials,…was caught masterbating during a trial when the sounds of his manipulating his penis pump caught the attention of others and is how he was exposed.
I doubt Judge Stevens was doing weird stuff under her gown, instead, I think she was either on Zanex or Oxycontons….OR using the latest craze of dried alcohol powder! SOMEONE….ANYONE…please pluck one of Judge Stevens REAL hairs, so can send it in and see what all chemicals the old hag was injesting, snorting or shooting.
Thanks for the comic relief. I do remember the odd story of the judge with the pump under his desk. Reality is often stranger and funnier than fiction. I think judge Stevens was simply not the right candidate for the job. It went way over her head. You need a very experienced judge for this kind of high profile case. And to say that she was on the prosecution side would be quite an understatement. I don’t know if it was the tears she shed when Arias did not get the death penalty or how she took 5 minutes to pretend to read all the letters of support she received during sentencing, but this lady’s name was not Justice.
I know she cannot write a book, but I am kind of expecting her to come up with her own brand of crazy anytime soon. Maybe a blown up doll of Arias wearing a Mormon garb that she could sell on ebay. How could she top these two attorneys with their tell all books? The problem is that the tell all is very telling about THEIR mental state and not their client.
If with all the hoopla and fodder they are providing right now for the appeal, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ends up throwing out the case because of all the insanity surrounding it, will they spend more millions to go after her? Will Martinez chase her until he is old and gray and using a walker?
They are dangerously starting to sound like stalkers with their fixation on everything Arias. You say Juan won, but in his book, not getting the death penalty is not winning. Nurmi lost in court and is literally losing it in this book. Mind you, some see a life sentence as a victory, but I beg to differ.
They should cease and desist. This is looking more and more like a witch hunt.
The best article ever. Just so good. Although someone else thanked you already I have to second it– you really took one for the team here Lise by reading the book!! I never would have made it to the end.
I am disappointed in myself by being surprised again by the twists this saga takes, but there you have it. An open and shut case with a confession and a defendant ready to plead guilty without a trial. A prosecutor who can’t wait to feel the limelight after his client has sunk herself in the press (oops, by that I mean manipulated the media to adore her) and by doing so set the stage for him to grandstand and sign autographs (seriously. autographs??) and now an incompetent defense lawyer whining how it wasn’t his fault and anyway, he hated her and her cat, so there.
In what parallel universe is it normal to spend a gazillion dollars taking a domestic violence case ending in homicide to the extreme of death row? Is it because our star attorneys couldn’t get their need for attention met by a run of the mill 20 year sentence? Or whatever sentence is typically reserved for people who kill their lover.
I am not minimizing the fact that a man died. I am merely pointing out the obvious insanity that has ensued since. The money spent and the money made off of this tragedy is jaw-dropping. Yet here we are. I doubt it will help an appeal process which is too bad, LWOP should be reserved only for the most dangerous and least likely candidates for rehabilitation. She certainly hasn’t shown a pattern of multiple killings or any other crimes but the lawyers around her are demonstrating some clear patterns of sleeziness.
“limbo under the bar” OMG Lise. That is so good! Unfortunately I am afraid it will give many ideas and next thing we know this whole fiasco will be a Broadway musical. $$$$$$$$$$$$ Thanks for making us laugh at a very not funny situation. Like the Son of Sam laws maybe this will lead to Lil Juan and Kreepin Kirk laws that will stop unethical greed and profiteering by attorneys that can’t understand confidentiality or professional behavior in our justice system.
Thanks Lori! LOL one of us had to do it and I felt like I had to take a shower after reading it. Let that weirdness out of my hair. Nurmi really does not have an enchanting aura.
I feel the same way. Why am I surprised? Wasn’t it the next illogical step to this freak show? Take a simple case, get a confession and instead of doing the right thing, unleash Juan on it. For more entertainment value, refuse to release the bear acting as defense attorney and start the circus. Build it and they will come. And indeed they came. And after spending a fortune on 2 bloody trials, they resort to stink bombs in the form of books. What else will they think of? I think Martinez became addicted to signing autographs and his book tour will let him savor his new found fame.
I guess Arizona is a parallel universe. Do not get caught in a bad relationship that ends tragically in that state. If it happened in California, things would have been so different. They are not satisfied with two trials, they want more. They are playing pinata with Arias in the press and on social media. And now her own defense attorney says I hate her, I hate her cat and I lost some weight. Will you love me now?
It never was about minimizing the death of Travis. It is extremely sad, but it is not about him anymore. It is about Arias and her appeal. I know people think she has ‘too many rights’ but sorry, this is what the justice system is all about. I keep getting comments saying ‘but what about justice for the victim? She killed him.’ Why don’t we state the obvious one more time? We don’t make a right with a legal overkill. This case should have been settled a long time ago and the ones really affected by this situation should have gone home to mourn their loss.
Pope Francis said (yes I am quoting the pope) that LWOP is another form of death penalty and he is right. You never give that kind of sentence to a first offender who has zero chance to reoffend. It was a domestic violence situation. And as much as they try to vilify this woman, she is not a dangerous person. It is laughable.
I hope you’re right, and they come up with laws after this fiasco to stop lawyers from writing books during their client’s appeal. It could be called the Hiro & Naga laws. No stink bombs allowed. I never thought we would have to state the obvious to attorneys. Hey guys, do not talk about the case, it is unethical! Lil Juan and Kreepin Kirk will be the stars of the new Broadway show: The Rocky Horror Picture Show – AZ style.
Thanks for your great comment. It always gives me hope when people do not fall for this wag the dog situation and see it for what it really is. By the way, I do not like your cat. It hypnotized me I think.
Hi Joseph!
While I certainly don’t agree with Arizona’s death penalty retrial system, it is somewhat boggling how anyone can still sympathize with Arias after her deliberately cruel statements about Travis still being alive when she cut his throat, uttered only moments after Hilary Wilcox saying she suffers from trauma just taking a shower. And she tacitly admitted that was just to take a final jab at the family in a letter to her supporters a few weeks later, saying that she originally only intended to apologize and promise to pay restitution, but Samantha’s statement angered her such that she sought revenge.
I know that my answer will not change your mind, but here it is anyway.
The criminal justice system has to work for everyone and due process does not go out the window because we do not like what someone says or does. I do have empathy for Miss Arias because I think that if things would have been handled correctly right from the start, there would have never been this kind of venom from both sides. And I am against attorneys writing a book during an appeal for any defendant.
If you sit in solitary confinement for years and you have a huge burden on your shoulders and nobody is giving you a break, you probably want to lash out. After two trials and the collective hatred directed at her, how could we expect her not to have irrational moments of frustration? I am surprised she did not completely lose her mind so I am not judging her actions any more than I can judge the Alexanders.
Mind you, I didn’t see it as intentionally hurting the Alexanders, but as a cry from the heart after listening to countless attacks on her character and knowing full well the judge would give her LWOP without reading any of her support letters. The sentence did not fit the crime.
She turned her head during the proceedings because a child was crying and right away they made up stories about vile intentions. She cannot do anything right in their eyes.
It was her last chance to tell the world that she was defending herself and not attacking him. Even if you do not believe this to be true, this is her truth. Would I have said that? Probably not, but I never walked in her shoes and years of incarceration in awful conditions with constant criticism and bashing from all sides are not very conducive to great decision making. Even if you are guilty of a reprehensible act, you can only endure vitriolic comments and being on your knees for so long before reaching a breaking point.
I get the immeasurable pain felt by the victim’s family, but in 6 years, there hasn’t been one ounce of humanity towards a defendant who apologized and tried constantly to say she felt sorry about her gesture. The first thing she said at sentencing is that she was disgusted with herself. She wanted to pay restitution.
She regrets causing them pain and wish she could turn back the clock. But they kept asking for her head and denying that she could have been abused in any shape or form by her family or their brother. I am sorry, but I read the messages and I heard the tape and so have they. Even the foreman at the first trial admitted she was emotionally abused and that she was being crucified in the media.
It should have never ended up with the death of this poor man, but it was a domestic situation that did not deserve DP or 1st degree charges. She had no priors and lived a peaceful life before her encounter with TA.
I have seen many cases of the kind and they ended up in plea bargains with the possibility of an eventual release for good behavior. I believe in restorative justice for all. Certain types of offenders cannot be rehabilitated, but she is far from belonging to that group. I am totally opposed to the death penalty or solitary confinement. In this case, they tried to kill a fly with a hammer.
I do empathize with all inmates and I still stand by the fact that it was not a death penalty case and this is why the whole process was derailed and ended up being such a revenge filled train wreck. The high profile nature of the case and the media blitz played a part in the vilification of this woman. Nobody deserves that.
Miss Arias deserves empathy and a chance at parole one day. I do not know why the US is so tough on crime because it sure does not yield any great results. In fact, it is a real fiasco. People are flawed and they make mistakes. Who are we to deprive them of any sense of dignity or love?
Arizona’s criminal justice system is archaic and bordering on Machiavellian. If Martinez and Nurmi didn’t behave so inappropriately, I would not be writing about this anyway.
Great article. Wouldn’t his book help jodi’s appeal? (Ineffective Counsel)
Thanks. A defense attorney (or a prosecutor) publishing a book during an appeal is unheard of, but it is not ineffective counsel because it is after the fact and other appellate lawyers are representing Arias. It is sleazy and a total lack or respect for the notion of confidentiality, but they think they can get away with it.
The fact that Nurmi never returned her calls and would hang up on her when he went into private practice is ineffective. Poor client relations is considered ineffective. But he he didn’t miss deadlines and filed the right documents.
He tried to quit through the right channels but the fact that the court forced him to stay and he told the jury that he didn’t like his client 9 days out of 10 leaves a lot to be desired. Especially when he wrote a book during her appeal to tell the world he didn’t like her or her cat. How could it not help her?
She tried several times to fire him because of poor client relations.
If there ever was a reversal, the damage they will have caused her is irreversible. If they dissect the content of Nurmi’s book, not to forget that Martinez is coming up with his own stink bomb, it is hard to believe that some of these elements will not make their way to the appeal.
One of your very best articles, Lise. I agree Martinez and Nurmi are “average joes.” I don’t really understand how Martinez won awards with his manic court behavior, twisting of the facts, throwing a camera, “accidentally” displaying a cut throat in the courtroom (so prejudicial) and attacking witnesses (even his own). Lawyer Mel McDonald has called him a “rabid dog.” Your comment: “His victories are mostly based on shady practices and grandstanding and supported by an anemic jury pool” is a perfect summary of Martinez’s overrated career. I also like your statement that both of these guys are driven by “egotistical pursuits.” When you wrote: “This woman never had a free ride in her life” it choked me up because it’s so true. So true.
This comment by CryTears “AND also wonder if this is a underhanded plan to get Jodi Arias set free by these 2 books, JM and KN?” caught my attention because, believe it or not, I had the same thought because the behavior of KN & JM is so over the top, I wondered what the hell are these guys doing? Lastly, Lise, I want to thank you for the many articles you’ve done that always humanize Jodi.
Thank you Matt. I agree that their behavior is so over the top that it almost seems like they are helping her. Isn’t it ironic? But I think it is based on the fact that they get away with almost everything in Arizona and their ego leads the way.
I did not post the last part of your comment but I will make sure to read it with all the links. Because I base my blogs on trials and legal matters, this subject is quite interesting and deserves to be investigated thoroughly but in this instance, I want to stick to Nurmi and Martinez’s books and what Jodi testified to under oath. Plus, I would have to have read and researched it before posting it.
I will get back to you on it.
Lise, this is marvellous, you have done it yet again! You know, each time I have found your latest article by stumbling on it, it has always coincided with my being grossly late for bed, but once I started reading it I couldn’t stop, it’s what happens when I read your articles. Just spot on, well done, Lise!
Excellent article. You are absolutely spot on; my thoughts exactly.
I’m still in shock over what happened to this woman in this case and the nightmare that is the so called “justice system” in Arizona.
It’s nice to read an intelligent, well thought out opinion on it, thanks.
This article made me laugh….they can’t help when they have to deal with a manipulator such as inmate 281129….she is where she rightfully belongs..she took 4 years of his career so why shouldn’t he try to get that back..
I usually do not post hateful or insulting comments, but yours does not fall into these categories. It falls into the comedy section.
If you laughed reading this blog, imagine how much I laughed when I read your comment.
So Miss Arias took 4 years out of Nurmi’s career? Interesting concept. You know that he was hired and paid to do his job right? Did your psychotherapist write a book about you because he hated doing therapy?
This inmate has the right to appeal and to have legal professionals shut the hell up while doing so.
Writing a book is not giving him back 4 years of his life. More like $4 in sales.
And the manipulation mantra is getting old. Nurmi was a lousy attorney and none of the other legal professionals involved in the case were bothered by their client, or ever felt the need to join the mob.
I see Lise that open honest posted commits are NOT permitted on this site. You took mine off deliberately so others couldn’t see it.
Lowetta, I do not post hateful comments and there is usually a note at the bottom of my blogs stating my policy. I guess I forgot to add it in this instance, but it is clearly stated in my answer to a comment from a reader.
Don’t get me wrong, I do not seek to have comments only from people who agree with my point of view, but in order to have a fair and interesting debate, the arguments have to be about the law or the facts discussed in the blog. I do not want to hear insults and ill will about the accused. Her trials are over but her troubles are not.
This blog is about the right of any inmate not to have her/his defense attorney write a book about a client during her/his appeal. I personally think that Miss Arias has been everyone’s favorite pushing bag in the comment sections for too long anyway.
If you have interesting and polite arguments to bring to the table, I will be happy to post them. You might have not noticed, but it is a site about restorative justice and due process. So rehashing the trial and emphasizing your disdain for Miss Arias is not a conversation I want to have because it is not constructive and goes against the mission of my site.
It seems immoral & damaging to me; for someone to write a book during an appeal.
William, I don’t understand how a defense lawyer can act this way. You work first and foremost for your client, and it’s not like he was unveiling useful and game changing information on the case to soothe his conscience. It was gossip, allegations and speculations to earn brownie points with the court of public opinion. He has irreparably damaged his career in the process.
I find your articke despicable and to have no substance I am laughing because I know you like all the rest of the murderers cult following ONLY post comments favorable to her Not to worry Theres enough hate for her and her followers to last a lifetime which is where she put herself Sickening piece
Dear Karla, keep drowning in the collective hate pool and stay away from my site if you have nothing constructive to contribute.
LOL!!! OMG Lise, you have Karla’s number!! Jodi has ‘followers’??? There’s a ‘murderers’ cult’? I feel so uninformed.
I like the way you don’t sully your site with nonsense comments that have nothing to do with the blog. I don’t often read comments on the internet because of the hate and ignorance expressed in them. I do read the comments on your site.
I still have yet to find the part in any of your blogs where you defend the actions of those convicted of crimes. Or where you express your love and admiration for any of them. I only find that you remind us they are mere humans with flaws and are entitled to due process just like we feel we ourselves would be entitled to in a court of law.
As a leader of a ‘murder cult’ with ‘followers’, Jodi really blew it by doing the deed herself instead of enlisting the help of her zombie-like flunkies. I’m sure she is kicking herself for that. I guess all that can really be said at this point is: thanks a lot Obama. LOL!!!
Thank you Lori for the comic relief! I hardly ever discuss guilt or innocence. It is all about due process, humanity and the damage caused by trials by media.
Yeah, let’s blame Obama. It has to be his fault somehow. LOL
I subscribe to this blogspot so I see all new comments. When I saw your comment, I actually had to think for a minute what you were referring to. I looked it up and was surprised you were commenting on an eight-month-old blog. Did you just stumble across it? One of the reasons I subscribe to Lise’s site is that she presents extremely well-researched articles on a variety of topics. She recently wrote an expose-style piece on the horrors inflicted on a young girl in Canada through the mental health system. She is an advocate of justice and fairness. Lise also welcomes discussion with people who don’t agree with her–it’s part of what makes her different. Eight months later talking about hate? I don’t understand and I’ll always stand on the side of kindness, understanding, and tolerance of other people’s views. It mad me so sad to read your words. In my heart, I hope that everyone is on their own journey to healing. With much respect, ~D.
Dori, thank you for your message of hope and healing. I usually do not post hateful comments because they are so counterproductive. There are so many other ways to disagree or to make a point than to take the road of insults and ignorance. But I often get comments by frustrated readers who want to see their vitriolic comments posted on my site. I made an exception for Karla because once in a while, I feel like saying Whatever.
I am thinking…could it bé possible that nurmi knew he was incapable to win this case…so he did all those commentss..to jodi s possible way for having à knew trial?..sorry m’y english need lot practice !….and for people who dont understand how someone did what she did….two times in m’y life i almost lost it….one time with m’y ex lover….like jodi he was playing mind games…Travis loose….jodi loose too…..to myself…i ran…more than then years have pass…there are still nightmare…im lucky to not did it….but i so see myself in the tragedy of jodis life…
Justice Served~ Another criminal put away in a timely fashion.
So 5 years, a crazy prosecutor, a disbarred defense attorney, and two trials to try to kill a first time offender for a crime of passion is timely? Thanks for the great insight.
Hey Lise, just stumbled upon this and wanna add that it is not unheard of to write a book during appeals (Manson book, etc.). As long as they aren’t written during the trial is what counts, so there’s no ethics/jury violations by law. Personal ethics is left for opinion. The appeals courts do not research/consider books as harmful/helpful in the appellate process, and focus only on the transcripts/procedural process only. I know people like George Barwood (who just can’t stop himself from talking about the 2013 guilt phase over and over with the same people over several years) just can’t seem to grasp this. But the books will have no effect on Jodi’s appeal, one way or another. As far as the appeal goes, I personally can’t see any valid appeal point that would’ve changed the outcome of the verdict. IMO the evidence spoke overwhelmingly for itself. Also I noticed something that jumped out at me regarding Nurmi – in the lawsuit, she persistently blames Nurmi for the defense strategy used at her trial, that it was all his idea. So basically she’s saying that the defense was just something cooked up by him for strategy, and it wasn’t the truth. So I have a question: what would’ve been her idea for a defense if it were up to her? I’ve tried asking her supporters but they will not answer this question. Especially Mr. Gas Can Man Barwood. Well written article despite some things I don’t agree with 😊
Hi Justyn, I imagine that you are talking about books written by the prosecution. One was written by Dalia Dippolito’s prosecutor and it was called Hard Candy. Talk about unethical but it does happen that’s for sure. But not from a defense lawyer who basically defaces his own defense and attacks his own client to try to rehabilitate his image. Most defense attorneys will tell you it is a big fat no. Nurmi did not write a book to explain why he lost or what happened in the courtroom. He wrote a book to attack his own client. He is disbarred for a reason.
I personally believe that no books should be written by prosecutors until the appeal process is over, but appeals last so long that of course, they will be written and I read the one written by Vincent Bugliosi on the Manson’s case.
Martinez book was threading lightly. Rehashing of what was said at trial. Waste of time and money but it filled his pockets and allowed him to get interviews and a book tour to boost his ego.
I will not answer your comments about ‘supporters’ of Miss Arias. It is not what I am about. I support due process and the integrity of the legal system. I was appalled at what happened in Arizona in the course of this trial. Still am.
I read the appeal documents in this case and there are some solid points about the role of the media, the fact that a defendant who is not unruly had to wear a stun belt and the inefficiency and lack of respect of Nurmi towards his client. It is not stating that it was all cooked up.
Miss Arias wanted her attorney to defend her and investigate certain matters that he ignored. When she represented herself for half a second, she uncovered the computer data. She did not want sex tapes being played to the public and courtroom. Even the judge was willing to make it private and Nurmi insisted. He humiliated her at every turn. He made a sex show out of the trial. She wanted her attorney to find some witnesses of the alleged abuse. He did not do it. He did not hire a blood spatter expert or gun expert in spite of the budget allowed for this. He claimed to hate her immensely in his closing argument. An appeal is not about what she would have wanted to happen at trial, it is about the mistakes that were made and that can constitute ground for appeal.